Hormonal Joys

Aug 21, 2009 21:34

My periods have been really rough lately. I think this started in May, or maybe June - I've been getting periods since I was 10, and they've been pretty normal. I'd get cramps, need Ibuprofen, get cravings, and it'd all be over in a week ( Read more... )

period, pcos, hormones

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Comments 6

penguinsane August 22 2009, 01:50:01 UTC
Would taking antidepressants around the time help any? I don't really know of any reactions the ADs could have though, and they might.


enriana August 22 2009, 01:58:10 UTC

I already take antidepressants, actually. My doctor is currently on sabbatical - I think he's due back soon; I'll have to go in and talk to him about this. He's usually got some sort of solution for my mental anguish.

He's the reason I can now actually sleep through the night, so basically he is a miracle worker.


lanitha August 22 2009, 11:37:50 UTC
I have the syndrome too. The advice I got was to go try and get myself pregnant in order to regulate the hormones. *rolls eyes*

I have been on the pill since my periods started and am now at a point where I don't get any periods while I'm off it (not healthy) and get periods that last up to three weeks while I'm on it (not healthy either)!
Doctors do not seem to have any useful suggestions for me, so yeah. I can sympathize completely about the suck-age...


mistressmorbid August 22 2009, 13:12:19 UTC
Aww, hun. :( I know that's hard to deal with.

I've always had bad periods, but in a different way. The cramps I get are so severe that they can knock me to the ground and have me sobbing. My Mom had similar issue when she was younger, so I know it's in the family. I have to call in sick to work almost once a month when they arrive, it's so bad. Pills can't seem to relkieve the pain either, they only minimally dull it so that I can breathe.

It's good to know the reason of your mood swings though. If you can mentally prepare yourself it helps a lot, trust me.

Hang in there! *hugs*


ladytalon August 22 2009, 17:13:45 UTC
*hugs!* I'm sorry, that's rough to go through. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help!


emmavescence August 22 2009, 18:18:56 UTC
For the record, different pills do have different side effects. I don't know how the names equate to the US, but I started taking Microgynon 30, took it for a good while before I realised it was triggering my depression. I've had times when I haven't taken the pill, and the PMT is horrible. Hurts quite a lot, foul mood, the works. Now I take Marvelon, and it regulates all of that away. No longer foul mood, doesn't trigger depression, and the best part is that I take it for 3-4 months in a row without having a 7 day break. I don't know how this applies to PCOS, but it might be worth considering trying another pill anyway, even if your mum thinks it wouldn't help.


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