
Aug 08, 2016 08:29

Can you afford to retire ( Read more... )

shimon, theatre

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Comments 7

kusia August 8 2016, 14:23:29 UTC
какие они обе красавицы; значительные, глубокие. Оказывается Ахматова начала писать Поэму в 50 лет.
Мне скоро будет тоже :) Надо написать что-то


brevi August 10 2016, 01:46:18 UTC
Just FYI: My antivirus program insists that there is a virus embedded in this picture file and blocks the browser from showing it.


enot August 10 2016, 04:10:18 UTC
Это фотография Ахматовой с Глебовой-Судейкиной.


enot September 26 2016, 00:27:35 UTC
Все, нету фотографии, есть ссылка на gettyimages. Надеюсь, этот источник (тем более, в виде ссылки) устроит всех пользователей, независимо от ОС.


brevi August 10 2016, 12:24:49 UTC
I think you missed my point.


enot August 10 2016, 13:39:28 UTC
I am on Linux and can't reproduce your situation, can't tell what is a threat and what is not for a Windows user.
I explained what's there, so you can yandex it on you own.

Sorry for inconvenience!


brevi August 10 2016, 20:01:52 UTC
A hint: if I were you, I would remove the potentially infected file from my post to avoid the possibility of infecting visitors to my page. Even if the presence of a virus is only suspected and not confirmed.


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