Dammit man, I'm a geek, not a nerd.

Jan 02, 2010 01:47


Q1. Name: Mel

Q2. How did you find out about Elite of the Fleet? From watching kittehkat and rotae send cryptic messages to each other on Twitter.

Q3. When did you first become interested in Star Trek? I can't remember a time when Star Trek wasn't a part of my life. I grew up watching TOS reruns and the original movies with my dad, and I ( Read more... )

academy round 1, enlistment application

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Comments 14

Medical ryokophoenix January 2 2010, 09:16:32 UTC
You really seem quite sweet! I am fond of you already. <3

Tactics was the first track that was ruled out for me (despite some indications that you would be suited for it with your boldness and ambition), because it involves making some very tough decisions and the respect for life you outlined in Q9 would make that difficult (killing from a distance would be easier for everyone - wars are based on dehumanizing the opposing force, which is easier if you can't see their face - but it doesn't lessen that respect). I thought that the over-emotionality you worried about would be difficult here too, since Tactics officers have to appear resilient and calm at even the worst of times.

The fact that you made a working Operation game Halloween costume makes me want to throw you straight into Operations - that kind of creativity and innovation would be incredible there. At the same time, your dislike of inefficiency and incompetence puts me in mind of Exploratory Sciences, whilst the extent to which you're in tune with your emotions and the ( ... )


Re: Medical sea0tter12 January 3 2010, 17:42:05 UTC
Aw, thanks!

I do worry about over-emotionality a lot, but I am a calm and resilient person on the surface in times of crisis -- I think my brain just shuts that part off until I have time to deal with it. When my grandma fell down the stairs a couple years ago (blood!), I was the one taking care of all the practical stuff while the rest of the family freaked out. Once the ambulance left with her, I sat on the couch and sobbed. (She's OK now -- she has a hard head ;-)

But yes, I agree with you -- I can actually see myself doing any of the jobs in some way :) Thanks for the thought you put into this sort!

Also, I think I now want a mad cow disease microbe! When we found the shop with them, I was overwhelmed with choices!! I got my friend MRSA, because it had a cape and was awesome (super bug!).


... )


Command rotae January 2 2010, 09:31:28 UTC
You app made me smile ON SO MANY OCCASIONS, LOL.

So. Hmm. I think you'd be good in both Operations and Tactical. I worry about placing you in Tactical because it can be one of the most emotionally draining positions to be in, and you've commented that you can be overly emotional. And you mention you have trouble with decisions (but not with big ones which would be okay I guess? LOL).

However, you have the natural leadership that Tactical cadets seem to have. You also have quick thinking and creativity, you're outspoken and strong-willed and yet you consider all points of view and look at the big picture. Definitely Tactical material there.

On the other side, I see a lot of Operations in you too: you value hard-work and loyalty, you're open and honest and disarmingly charming ;) :D Creativity is highly valued in Operations, and like I said previously, you have that.

Hmm. It's 50/50 for me. But I'm going to say Tactical. Your positive attributes scream it at me, and I believe that you can overcome whatever weaknesses you choose to ( ... )


Re: Command sea0tter12 January 3 2010, 17:45:47 UTC
I can see my problems with small decisions playing out like this on a starship:

Me: So, what planet do you want to explore next?
Random redshirt: I dunno, what planet do you want to explore.
Me: It doesn't really matter to me. What sounds good to you?
Etc. etc. etc. on this theme for some time.

My husband hates trying to decide what to eat with me :)


Exploratory Sciences ldymusyc January 2 2010, 17:07:33 UTC
The consistent thread of this application was idealism. Multiple responses pointed to an approval of those with a moralistic stance of the highest standard (that being a standard that matches your own). A secondary thread was the priority of rapid thought and quick responses, especially in your strengths and in what you admire about characters and peers. There's absolutely no shyness in this application, and the vast majority of your answers point to a very strong sense of self and ego.

There are many points here where the focus is on the external. Your greatest fear is being with others, you'd prefer the tricorder to examine your surroundings and help others, and you consistently mention your need to talk, discuss, and interact with others. Your motivations are heavily slanted towards the people around you, not yourself. This could lead to Ops as a viable track, but I don't think it's best for you. Your favorite character is Picard because of his adherence to morals and his quick thought - and his ability to talk Q around. Your ( ... )


Re: Exploratory Sciences sea0tter12 January 3 2010, 17:50:55 UTC
Hm, hadn't really thought about it, but you're right -- I am highly motivated by the people around me.

And my mom would tell that my sense of self is a bit too strong at times ;-)

Thanks for the sort -- I actually really admire how concisely you've boiled my app down in a really accurate analysis -- I don't see a lot of people who can do that so well :)


Tactical: USS Exeter kittehkat January 2 2010, 20:05:57 UTC
Note, of course, it's entirely impossible for me to separate what I know about you and this application. I'll try to let that factor in in the most fair way possible. <3

an idealized version of our future that we should aspire to, one where there is equality, where there are still frontiers to be explored, and where shades of gray aren't ignored for black and whiteIn Picard, you appreciate the man's ability to contain himself, know all the facts before making a decision, which hints that it is something you aspire to do -- to make good, fair decisions, the right way, in a decent manner of time, to the best of your ability. You seem to aspire for a well-rounded life like him as well, and that shows an appreciation for balance and the needs for constants, which makes me think you would thrive on more stable ground over a constantly changing schedule; it's not that you can't function in a new environment or with a multitude of obstacles and challenges that change day to day, but like Picard, I think you would prefer to work in the area ( ... )


Re: Tactical: USS Exeter kittehkat January 2 2010, 20:06:49 UTC

Just looking at your weaknesses, I see that I pulled a premptive strike on your hating display of emotion. Awesome. Haha. Also, idk if anything could be more true: I overthink and overanalyze things. Yes, times a million. Good and bad. But most importantly, true ( ... )


Re: Tactical: USS Exeter sea0tter12 January 3 2010, 18:09:14 UTC
That's a hard thing to answer -- I'm not sure why I don't like being alone. But I do know that when Shane has to go to his mom and dad's without me, I become very unhappy quickly. When I lived alone for the first six months after college, I would go whole weekends without hearing my own voice because I didn't talk to anyone. I realized in that time that I hadn't physically touched anyone in a couple months -- no hugs, nothing. And I'm not OK with that -- I crave physical contact. I get depressed when I don't have it.

I also think that when I stay in my head too long, I start to overthink everything -- and having someone that I am comfortable enough with to talk about what's inside my head is important to my mental health.

That's probably not any more of an explanation than what I wrote, though, about why I wouldn't want to be alone in the world :)

And yes, it gets harder the more you know someone. :)



Re: Tactical: USS Exeter sea0tter12 January 3 2010, 17:57:06 UTC
You should totally come visit me and marathon-watch TNG!! That was actually the first thing Shane and I did when he moved in with me -- we went through all the seasons together in mere months. And we would have done it faster if we had the money to buy them all at once :)

And yep, I don't see manipulation as a bad thing. Sometimes people need to be manipulated for their own good. I do it all the time with my grandma -- if you directly tell her she needs to stop climbing ladders because she keeps falling, she would ignore you and keep doing it. But if you figure out how to make her think it's her own idea, well, she's much more likely to do it. I also just got my mom to start exercising three months ago the same way (emotional manipulation FTW), and she rides her bike every day now, even though the doctor has been trying to get her to do it for years. So I do try to use my powers for good :)

... you have even applied your emotions logically ...And I hadn't thought about it, but that's a very good way of putting it. I'm gonna have to ( ... )


Operations sparkly_stuff January 3 2010, 04:31:42 UTC
I agree for the most part about Troi...although I think she improves a lot in the last couple seasons of TNG and then in the movies and her guest stints on VOY. Once they finally gave her a real uniform to wear, I felt it was easier to take her seriously as a character, and I think even the writers started taking her more seriously. It's too bad they couldn't have done that from the beginning.

Anyhoo, like ryokophoenix mentioned, the fact you put together a working "Operation" game costume really stood out to me and shows me your creativity, ingenuity, and DIY skills. That combined with your multi-tasking abilities, curiosity, honesty and willingness to see all sides strongly points to the Operations track for me. You show a genuine interest in other people and cultures and how to approach them, as shown by your deep reflection on the Prime Directive and your Q16 & 18. You can also be counted upon to figure out how to problem solve and think on your feet, like how to get the engines back online even though you cannae do it because it breaks the ( ... )


Re: Operations sea0tter12 January 3 2010, 18:01:47 UTC
She does improve a lot in the last couple seasons. I've ever seen interviews with the actress acknowledging that she enjoyed playing the character much more later on when she was more than sexy and brainless.

See the picture I posted in an above comment :)

Duct tape can save any situation!

lol! Once upon a time I had a stronger desire to be a leader, but you are right -- I'd much rather just do it myself and make sure it gets done right now ;-)

And yes!! I will put something off forever, but once I start, I blaze through it and get it done. My husband hates when I suddenly decide that the room we haven't unpacked in two years needs to be done RIGHT NOW. :-)

Thanks for the sort!


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