Dammit man, I'm a writer, not a doctor!

Dec 30, 2009 05:08


Q1. Name: Sylvia / sparkly_stuff

Q2. How did you find out about Elite of the Fleet?
As far as I remember, a little while after STXI came out, rotae and I talked a bit on Twitter about how if someone came up with a Star Trek version of hogwarts_elite, we would totally join. And a few months later she was like "PSST eliteofthefleet :D" and I knew I had to be on that like Picard ( Read more... )

academy round 1, enlistment application

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Comments 5

kittehkat December 30 2009, 20:05:36 UTC
I knew I had to be on that like Picard at a Shakespeare conventionHarharhar ( ... )


Command! ldymusyc December 31 2009, 22:09:43 UTC
LAWLZ, I saw so much of myself in this. Your little conversation with your mother is something I do all the time.
Mom: Dinner's on!
Me: OK. *keeps typing because the kitchen's too small and I like to wait until last*
Twenty minutes later.
Mom: *sulking*
Me: WHAT?!
Mom: I wanted us all to EAT TOGETHER.
Me: Did you say that?
Mom: No. *sulks*


Hmmm. You prefer to work on your own, prefer to sit back and remain somewhat uninvolved. The common thread I highlighted in your application was communication and curiosity. You frequently state how much you love the new and different, and how much you like to search for answers. I found your Q14 to be fascinating because of what you said re: being a gatekeeper. I get the sense that this is something consistent in your life. You don't want to make the decisions, but you're more than happy to see that the decisions get carried out. You prefer to communicate in a medium that requires specificity and explanation (the written word) instead of interpretation and intuition ( ( ... )


Command rotae January 1 2010, 05:31:31 UTC
See, here's the thing. I think you're kinda like me in that while you like talking to people and interacting, you like to do it when you want to do it. This is why both of us seem so active/spirited online - because it's on our terms when we want to be sociable.

I'm going to put you in Operations as opposed to Tactical because in reading our psych analysis for Operations, all I can think of is this app and you, LOL. I don't think it's necessarily only what you said either, but really how you express yourself- your enthusiasm and humour.

I also see a lot of the values of Operations in what you admire in others.

You're difficult because you're like me and that's throwing me off, LMAO. I can see a chunk of Tactical, a bit of Exploratory Sciences, but I think you fit Operations best :D



Medical ryokophoenix January 1 2010, 12:48:19 UTC
I tend to jot down key words as I go along with these things, like 'curious' and 'share knowledge' and 'trust in science'. From that list I was leaning towards Exploratory, but then I got up to '...probably because I'm good at listening or pretending to listen'. This is very much a people skill (even though it doesn't seem it at first glance!). Your strengths are all ones that are either specific to group situations or a great aid to them - even independence, because over-reliance on the group dynamic can lead to self-doubts and concerns about how others see you, which means you might censor yourself in discussion.

Also, the position I am happiest in is second-in-command - I think this is what I was trying to say in mine as well. I'm glad someone understands! <3

This is one of those times where I'm totally going to throw the MBTI out the window: I think you'd be best in Operations. With what you admire in others (a lot of which is based on how they interact with others), you'd be comfortable there. And what others are picking up on ( ... )


rotae January 1 2010, 14:52:48 UTC
Welcome to:

... )


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