Apr 23, 2008 20:13

►A breakdown of the plot.

You wake up feeling slightly disoriented, and for a moment, you're not entirely sure of who you are or where you are. All that you are aware of is the splitting headache you seem to be experiencing and the fact that the room is spinning (or maybe that's just you?). You pay no heed to the voice that seems to be coming from the invisible intercom system as you--


That's right, now you remember! You're the hero who's saved the world, or the mass murderer who's killed thousands. You're even the normal high school student who's struggling to get a passing grade. But, if that's so, what's going on?

You are now in Enlever Town, trapped inside the Town's borders and this cursed 'vacation' from hell. The more you try to escape, the more amused will your hosts become, and the town will become equally as dangerous.

You're not in charge of your own lives anymore, you are now someone's toy. You are not happy with that, and so, can you unravel the dark secrets behind this town, or will you remain here for the rest of your life?

"...Enjoy your vacation, and remember~ You are just a number and a face. ♥"


►Location maps and descriptions.

Ravis Seur
Upon being accepted, each character will receive an ID and room number (EXAMPLE: ID65167). The last three digits of your ID is your room number (in this case, room 167).

Like any normal Hotel, odd numbers to the left, even numbers to the right.

The Ravis Seur has two elevators, and one set of stairs. However, characters should be careful while using either. Things are so terribly frightful in the dark, should something unfortunate happen.

Enlever Town
Currently, your character is only able to access the areas of the town depicted in this map, unless stated otherwise. However, as the game progresses, more areas will be added and, eventually, your character will be able to enter the Forest.

Hidden Doors and Trap Doors will be locked to all characters until a certain community event happens, fake alleys will look like a normal alley to everyone, and have a certain aura about them that causes your character to keep away from them. All locked areas will be open to characters after a certain event.


►Non-Playable Characters you will find in the game.

He or She is never seen, never heard, never spoken of. They merely are. They rule over Enlever with a iron fist, and it is said that all those who have seen them in person have never come back to tell the tale. While it isn't confirmed yet, it is said that this person is the one who brought you here; simply because they were getting bored.

To put it in simple terms, she is the Host's right hand. She knows every nook and cranny of Enlever. She knows what your characters has eaten, how many they have breathed, who they've talked to and when, and every single thing your character has done in their pathetic mortal life. Currently, it has been confirmed that the Manager is in the progress of training an apprentice, but the reasons as to why have yet to be discovered.

Not much is known about the apprentice, but while his motives and sexuality might be questionable, he's probably the only ally you have the this place.

...But the again, this might be just another one of the Host's tricks.

An unknown creature which appeared during a rather unfortunate occasion. Those who have seen it have reported that this creature has the form of a small girl shrouded in shadows, some even going as far as to say that this thing has no eyes.

When asked, they will all tell you the same thing.

"Oh? Are you not happy, do you not enjoy your vacation~? Host wants you to enjoy your vacation."

If your character is brave enough to approach one, they may notice the fact that their face are completely blurred, making it impossible to see their identity. However, you can't help but to shake the feeling that you've seen them before.

Either brain-washed or very well paid, most of the Ravis Seur staff seems completely elated to lurk around the hotel, watching your every move almost as if they were assigned to report your behavior to someone. As if Enlever wasn't creepy enough as it is, the hotel staff all look the same, act the same, and say the same thing. Don't worry if your character gets annoyed and accidentally snaps their neck, another staff member will be more than happy to drag the body away and take their place.


H O W . T O . P O S T
►Posting rules.

Most of the time, your character will not be posting directly into their journal, instead, all 'journal' type entries will be posted into the main community.

We require that you tag your entry with your character's full name. Also, we ask that you include your character's first name, or nickname, into the subject line.

An example of a Journal entry would be this:

ENTRY: Content goes here.

Logs are a little bit different, as they are done in third person, include more than one person, and have a different content. Just like the logs, we require that you tag your entry. However, you may put whatever you'd like in the subject line.

An example of a log entry would be this:

Where: PLACE.
Rating: G -- NC-17
Status: In-Progress -- Complete


Notes have no requirements, unlike Journals and Logs, you do not have to tag your entries. Notes are only little snippets, things that people would usually put in notes or scrapbooks. Such as newspaper cut-outs, pages from books, and others.


►A description of events, and how they work.

An activity event is an event that happens every two months, it is mandatory for every character to participate, as they will be used to check up how many players are active. [More information in F.A.Q]

Community events can happen from every three days to every three months. They are random and will affect every single character in the game. It can be either good, or bad. Either way, it (probably) won't help make your character happier.

Especial events may either affect the whole community, or a single character. They will happen every time a condition is met.


Please direct all questions to the F.A.Q.

*basic info, *additional info

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