1.4 Ask the maker #3

Jul 10, 2015 15:01

Both tutorials requested by kateheightmeyer

Let's start with papa Joel! Prepare your base the way you prefer, it doesn't really influence the overall colouring!
As per usual I went for a center crop, since this icons was made for the "default only" over at 20INSPIRATIONS I wasn't allowed to use any kind of textures and I could only use anything that photoshop offered, so first step was to use a brush (square one from the defaults) to cover up the background because it was a bit too busy for my taste.

I they decided to clean everything up with a very light blue #9ec2d9 set on softlight

Now, textures WEREN'T allowed, so I used a screencaps from the opening titles from the game as a texture, I'm gonna show you the crop I used, but I'm gonna upload the screencaps soon so you can use them as you wish! (take a look at the opening titles) It was set on screen.

After this I copy-pasted (ctrl+a to select all, ctrl+shift+c to copy ALL layers, ctrl+v to paste) my image and set this layer on soft light, because I needed to deepen the shadows and intensify a bit my light blues

The cropped-cap/texture is now back on, I've rotated it to 180° and set it again on screen.

A black and white gradient now with the white over in the top left corner to illuminate Papa!Joel's features

Now, to get to the warm colours I've used a gradient map with #290a59 on the left and #ff7c00 on the right setting this layer on overlay with a high fill (84%)

Copy-pasted everything again and set it on screen to lighten it up a bit, it was really low on fill (20%)

Now, the icon is basically done, I contrasted my usual way, for the text I've used a classic "Impact" font which is a default font and I coloured the words with different tones picked from the icon itself!

Okay, last tutorial this round has some 500px images because in this case the preparation IS important, so, I worked on the original 1280x720px cap, but resized it for the tut, anyway, I started with a curve layer:

Not a huge difference, you're right, but let's keep going, second step is another boring curve layer

Now something a bit exciting (for the cap) use the hue saturation and pump it up until you're happy with some vibrant colours around!

Now the weird part starts, I've used this gradient map and set it on soft light (I love this gradient map!)

Another gradient map layer set on soft light at 10% fill

Okay, not a huge difference, I see that now, anyway next step is gonna give blueish vibe, it's a photofilter layer as you can see down here

Another curve layer

A colour fill layer #d6cbc4 on multiply (yes, I like dull stuff)

Another colour fill layer #ffffff on saturation at 33% fill (dulling it doooown)

Preparation is done!
I resized it to get a center crop and started working on the true coloring! First I've used this texture, which is a PANDAVIRUS one but reversed (it's red originally), set on exclusion. Then I duplicated my clean base, and pasted it on top on darken at 80% fill

Used a vibrance layer to make the colour pop a bit but not much really.

Last step is a layers layer, I can't give you the exact values because they change from image to image, but basically I pumped the light and deepened the blacks.

To finish it up, I've added a fabric-like texture by "_coccy", not sure where I downloaded it from, if lj or dA but I'm posting it anyway. The texture is set on color dodge. And it's done!

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