In 1864, in my universe, Samuel Colt built a very special gun, with thirteen bullets. Unlike an ordinary gun, which only kills people, this one can kill monsters. No special tricks with rock salt or iron or silver. This gun can kill a demon.
... Damn. Objects fall through the Rift all the time, but the chance of something like that falling through is slim to none. [One can still hope.] There could still be an object from this world that would have a similar effect on your version of a demon.
We should probably start scheduling these one every other month or something. [his... failed attempt at humor, considering.]
Want me to come to you?
Though he'd probably drag me back from wherever the troll sent me, if only to kick my ass. That's Sonny for you.
He reminds me a lot of someone I used to know. He didn't like me very much either.
Ah, but the question is, did you like him?
He was useful, in his own special way. And he was a good man. I just wasn't really at the right place in my life for that kind of ... presence.
[read: he liked to take the high road, which made Bela want to shoot him. a lot.]
So if you'd met him say... now, you think things might've been different?
[He's curious. Mostly to see if Bela thinks she's changed, or the outcome would still be the same.]
I'm not sure. Though -- knowing him, probably not. He still might have made me feel like shooting him.
You're such a charmer, Bela Talbot.
I do try.
Or hope that the wayward Winchester shows up with the Colt the next time around.
The Colt?
In 1864, in my universe, Samuel Colt built a very special gun, with thirteen bullets. Unlike an ordinary gun, which only kills people, this one can kill monsters. No special tricks with rock salt or iron or silver. This gun can kill a demon.
It's worth looking into.
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