tragic "tutorial"

May 25, 2006 16:08

okay my first tutorial. i am not even gonna say be easy on me because it is so overdone AND HELL! i want feedback!!

how to make
in ps7

and you must have a basic understanding of photoshop or you WILL get confused

first we have this image:
. this image is everywhere so it is easy to find it. crop it the way u want.

layer->duplicate layer->screen

layer->duplicate layer->hard light (the hard light layer is at the top now)

and so it looks like this so far:

now, we make a 4th layer by doing
layer->new fill layer->solid color->color burn
with this color:50B5AF

now the icon looks like this:

it's already pretty like that as well but remember, if u do take any of these "icons" which are between the steps, please still credit me.

we then make a 5th layer by doing
layer->new fill layer->gradient->saturation
with gradient (sorry i forgot who made it):

(btw, there is no need to merge anything yet so dont worry about doing it for now)

after that layer do ONCE AGAIN
layer->new fill layer->solid color->pin light
with this color: F26C4F

and now it looks like this:

you can go any way with this icon. if u save this image and edit it later, i can't stop you but it's rather rude considering im willing to show you some of my secrets in icon-making and u take something of mine and edit it.

and we're about to go through the actual INTERESTING part!!

in the toolbox thing on the side, make a simple rectangle filled with this color:E5D39D

it should look like this:

now set it to difference (remember that there is no white in the layers so if u use this tutorial by saving these steps, cut the white out)

resulting the whole process to this:

but i think it is covering buffy and angel TOO MUCH

SOOO i make a new layer by doing layer->new->layer and leave it at normal.

i used this brush (forgot by who SORRY) and used it in white on this new layer
looking like this:

now the whole icon looks like this:

OMG IS SHE FUCKING INSANE????? the answer is no.

now the parts that are under the white brush, i took an eraser and erased. but how?

under the rectangle layer, i made a new layer layer->new->layer and set it to difference

now the merging experiance will be used. click on the rectangle layer but in the palette and choose layer->merge down

now you are ready to erase that rectangle layer just under the white brush.

now type up TRAGIC in the font "viper nora" and we have
YAY!!! IT'S DONE!!!!

remember, don't copy this tutorial exactly. it's just meant to guide and inspire people with colors. this trend where the icon looks a lot like the original picture with center cropping is starting to bore me.. so have fun with colors! and check out my last batch for other colorful beauties.

btvs, tutorials

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