Use this site:
Chose the region: (Ministry of Taxation of Russian Federation Department for Moscow) "УФСН по г. Москва".
Chose the institution: (Detenion facility No.6 «Pechatniki») “СИЗО-6 «Печатники»”.
Fill in the personal data of the recipient of the letter:
(Alyokhina Maria Vladimirovna (06.06.1988)) "Алехина Мария Владимировна (06.06.1988)"
(Samutsevich Yekaterina Stanislavovna (07.08.1982)) “Самуцевич Екатерина Станиславовна (07.08.1982)”
(Tolokonnikova Nadezhda Andreevna (07.08.1989)) “Толоконникова Надежда Андреевна (07.08.1989)”
Give your name, surname and otchestvo and e-mail address (to this e-mail address you will receive important information about the stages of the processing of the letter and the payment instruction).
Write the content of your letter into the field (the text of your letter) "текст вашего письма".
ATTENTION: All letters will be censored (!) Only messages in Russian will be received.
At will you can tick the field (get answer) "получить ответ". In this case the recipient will be given a form to write a reply. You will receive the scan of the answer to your e-mail address.
At will you can tick the field (add picture) “приложить фото”. Upload a picture on the site. The pictures are being censored and delivered in black and white together with the letter.
Tick the field (I have read and agree to the terms of service of the website) "я ознакомился с условиями использования сервиса и принимаю их".
Check the correctness of the content of all filled in fields and of the filled in data thoroughly! If the data is not filled in correctly or fully, or if your letter does not pass the censorship, the payment will not be returned.
Klick the button (send) “отправить”.
ATTENTION: if within a few minutes you do not receive a message on your e-mail account (check the spam folder) contact the techsupport: or phone +7-812-331-34-13. While contacting support make sure to specify the number of your letter.
If you have encountered problems and were not able to send a letter to the members of Pussy Riot, contact us under with the subject "Letter to Pussy Riot" and we will try to help you.
EngPussyRiot - collective of media activists is conducting informational support to the group Pussy Riot in English. Headquartered EngPussyRiot is in Russia, but the project involves people from all over the world. Read more... You can help us by sharing information on social networks. Below you will find social network buttons (Facebook, Twitter, etc.). We will be very grateful if you would click on them and tell the world about what is happening in our country.