So, I realise that this isn't one of the actual prompts from the challenge, but as I was trying to write one of the prompts and talk to the lovely
darkangel_0410 at the same time about the sexiness of guitar playing Guns, I literally got attacked by this bunny, to the point that it wouldn't leave me the fuck alone unless I wrote the bastard. *Sigh* Oh well, it
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Comments 12
And how stupid are the boys, thinking they can keep a secret from Daddy Petey? Lmao.
Haha, incredibly stupid, Petey knows them better than they think; he could see it coming a mile off LOL!
Glad you liked it hun :)
Shit, Petey probably knew before they did. He prolly looked at them one day, saw the way they look at each and went 'yeah, they're gonna end up together one day' and went on with his day.
That wouldn't surprise me to be completely honest LOL! Seeing how often Petey hangs around with them, it's not surprising that he sees them being all adorable and shit more than the normal person :P
I know people say the Guns aren't fluffy or sweet, but I really think they are in comparison to others. I mean I don't think they go around crying or constantly discussing their feelings, but if you watch their interactions in matches or after they really can be very sweet with one another. Way more than what you see between most tag partners.
I know exactly what you mean there; it isn't that conventional type of sweetness and fluff you'd expect, but it's just so much more than that when you really think about it and watch the way they act with each other. It really is so heartwarming to see BFF's who are that close and don't give a damn about what is typically expected of wrestlers :) It's probably why I love them so much :)
Love Alex's little examination of his lover, going down memory lane. How nervous Chris is, but how he isn't a dick about Chris being scared about everything getting out, how he's supportive, though he does take a few touches too far....well, that's just Alex!
Then, he finally takes the big step. Love it! And, yeah, of course Petey knew! You can't hide anything from him, boys!
I absolutely loved writing that little trip down memory lane, just because it was a chance to look at the emotional side of their relationship, not just the physical, sex-obsessed side of them that I normally do LOL! And yeah, we couldn't have Alex being totally innocent :P
Haha, I honestly swear that Petey is smarter than the Guns give him credit for LOL! He could see it coming a mile off :)
While I love seeing the physical side of their relationship, it's always nice to see the emotional aspect, as well. Alex is anything but innocent, so yeah....
Considering how dumb they think he is, I hope he's smarter than that!
See, as much as I complain about writing it, I really do love the emotional side just as much, even occasionally more depending on my mood, than the sex and stuff. It's nice to take a different approach :) Haha, very true, and we wouldn't expect any less from him :P
Haha, same here! :P
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Aw, I'm glad it went okay, I wasn't sure about all of the thoughts and feelings, so I'm glad that it worked :)
I loved writing that ending so much, possibly my favourite ending out of any fic I've written :)
Aw *blush* thanks hun! And learn some Goddamn patience, will ya? Sheesh! Next fic will come when it's ready, so don't get your knickers in a twist! :P xD
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