i know the difference between cubic's and 24 carat gold

Feb 08, 2013 23:23

Title: like staring at the other half of me, you were right all along
Fandom: suits usa
Characters: donna paulsen, harvey specter
Pairing: donna/harvey
Warnings: language, dedicated to onlywordsnow, written post 4x13. basically a reaction fix to the way donna's face looked like a unicorn had died fifty times over after harvey called jessica beautiful.
Summary ( Read more... )

fic - adult, fanfiction: suits, character: harvey specter, character: louis litt, pairing: donna/harvey, character: donna paulsen, character: rachel zayne, pairing: rachel/mike, character: mike ross, fandom: suits, fanfiction, character: jessica pearson

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Comments 30

bluberrykisses February 14 2013, 21:32:43 UTC
Oh sweet holy babies..... I actually hurt when I read this because it felt so true to Donna. Also, the idea of Harvey being a temperamental potted plant was hilarious. I just... sigh. Damn it that slayed me right in the feeling regions. The end though, "(She gives the cactus to Harvey as a present one Christmas eve and he pricks his finger on a thorn. It's a sign.)". That was both genius and soul destroying. Thank you for sharing it was so so good to read. Also, I feel that it's of note that Beyonce was playing in my headphones when I read this first, just to give it extra umph, not that it needed any.


enemeriad February 15 2013, 06:57:13 UTC
you are so lovely

belated valentines reviewing hearts just for you.

i'm so so so glad you liked it and that it stirred emotion in you (even though that might of been beyonce's generally awe inspiring lyrics that are just fab but in any case, THANK YOU)



phrenitis February 19 2013, 01:53:22 UTC
I always know what I'm getting into coming to read a tragic fic from you, but JEEZ WOMAN I'M ALL TORN UP NOW. And it's not just because it's brutal in the best way - you put everything into the punch like it's the only one you're going to get to throw - but because there's truth in it that ACHES.

She knows all this, of course she does, but it's so easy to live in the here and now and forget that it means nothing. And dammit, Donna deserves better than that. I either need Harvey to be insanely jealous because of her happiness with someone else at some point next season, or for someone he respects to point out that he is in love with her and to bloody DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

It doesn't help. But then, that's the point.



enemeriad February 19 2013, 07:41:22 UTC
DOES THAT MEAN I HAVE A REPUTATION? Ooh i like that a lot.

Naw, see I would swaddle you up in a blanket and a hot water bottle but the ache is goooood right? It's a kind of no holding back approach to writing. I just love to victimise my characters.

(god can you imagine a scene where donna's dating someone [i.e having her own legitimate storyline outside of being harvey's secretary etc] and like harvey finally coming to his senses or at least being really antsy with her until donna's like excuse you biatch i'm smokin' and you should've realised ages ago) i would DIE.

i love it when you review, it's always meaty and gives me lots of stuff to reply to. <3


anr February 26 2013, 11:47:16 UTC
Very nice! I really enjoyed reading this -- a great look into Donna's head.


enemeriad March 2 2013, 11:49:22 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it. Thank you!


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