sometimes your loves so pretty i just wanna sink in

Aug 22, 2012 21:37

Title: the air that tastes like fear
Fandom: community (nbc)
Characters:  annie edison, jeffrey winger, abed nadir
Pairing: annie edison/jeff, annie/abed (eventually)
Warnings: pg 13+
Summary: annie lives her life measuring moments in their relative anxiety level
i can't help being like the way i am )

fanfiction: community, character: abed nadir, character: jeff winger, character: britta perry, fandom: community, character: annie edison, fanfiction

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Comments 6

glorious_clio August 23 2012, 01:49:44 UTC
Wow wow wow... I have no tangible thoughts at the moment, because you knocked the wind out of me.

I'm very concerned for Annie, though, because I don't want her to be on Addarall. Maybe you can do a follow up where someone notices?

Not that this isn't amazing, because it is. I'll be rereading it a lot. Maybe then I can come up with some more words.


enemeriad August 23 2012, 03:20:14 UTC
aw thank you sooo much! this is very, very sweet of you.

i think i might just do a companion fic to this because i don't like it either but i think annie keeps up a good front.

aw, you're absolutely lovely <3


fluffyfrolicker February 16 2013, 10:56:15 UTC
this is FANTASTIC. your words are amazing and the atmosphere and the tone and rhythm of your sentences. Oh Annie.


enemeriad February 19 2013, 01:53:31 UTC
oh my goodness thank you! i'm so so glad you liked it!

how did you like this episode? thoughts...?


fluffyfrolicker February 19 2013, 20:45:54 UTC
I've seen both 4x01 and 4x02, can't say I was thrilled, but I did enjoy them ♥ not many thoughts, do. Enjoying Annie and Jeff and Abed a lot, as always. Not sure what's going on with how they're writing Troy, but it feels weird.


enemeriad February 20 2013, 07:05:06 UTC
Aw I haven't seen the second episode yet. I feel like there was a definite difference in the sort of "feel" of the program. Like.. maybe its because I'm conscious of Harmon leaving, but it also just feels like a different kind of town ya feel me? I don't know.. maybe I'm just being crazy.

GAH IK. Troy and Britta holding hands idk it felt weird. Also, the sort of definite push for Jeff and Annie felt a little forced too. I couldn't ever really picture anything happening except the group being a huge polyamorous but in a semi-platonic way. (idk if that is even a thing but) just like them all being friends and being really close and adorable.

But I bet it'll change. Community was never going to do something 'expected' was it.


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