26 • [video|action]

Sep 28, 2011 19:30

[the journal falls open to the sound of a gasp and a metallic clattering, and the camera might just pick up a glimpse of a boy with long blue hair falling to the ground and scrambling backwards, iron shackles on his wrists jangling like oversized bracelets ( Read more... )

!event, !luceti

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goldenglasses October 1 2011, 00:55:59 UTC
[Passing by the fountain tiny Legato? Because there is a strange man in a cheap looking frog suit begging woman for kisses!]

Aw! Come on miss! Please! I need a kiss to break the spell I'm under!


goldenglasses October 4 2011, 18:31:56 UTC
Oh, good! I'm terrible at charades! [Hm, kid seems a bit skinny. Maybe if he tries something else.] I don't know about you, but I'm kinda getting hungry! Wanna come with me to the bakery? They have some pretty yummy stuff there.


endthem October 4 2011, 18:35:37 UTC
[stranger danger! The kid just nervously glances at the man, and then off toward the direction of the bakery--he'd certainly noticed it earlier--unsure about answering]


goldenglasses October 4 2011, 18:38:25 UTC
You don't have to go if you don't want to. I'm not going to make you do anything you don't want to.

But maybe, if you're not hungry, we could at least talk to someone at the smithy about getting those off your arms? They seem pretty heavy.


endthem October 4 2011, 18:47:37 UTC
[oh right... the shackles...

For the first time since he'd arrived, he looks down at them and really notices that the chain just abruptly stops a foot or so off the shackles.

So, at least that part of what he remembered was real.

...And something about remembering that--the strange and dramatic last moment before finding himself here--causes him to take a second look at this man standing before him. Hmm.]


goldenglasses October 4 2011, 18:50:21 UTC
[Kid, why are you looking at him so funnily? Oh, yeah... he's in a frog suit.]

Oh! HAHAHAHA! I must look kinda silly, huh? [He forces a hand up to knock the frog head off at least. Even if his face is a little green still. Oh man, this is making him feel so naked right now. Kid, did you have to show up all scared right now.] It's just a silly costume, for a - well, I guess you could call it a play of sorts.


endthem October 4 2011, 18:53:33 UTC
[he nods a little, as if that explains everything. As if that's the reason he was looking at him weird-- not the fact that this man's presence feels different. Almost familiar]


goldenglasses October 4 2011, 18:57:35 UTC
[Vash feels the same way kid. There's something familiar about you too. There's just something that's keeping him from putting his finger on it, something about your helplessness at the moment.] Anyway, my name is Ericks. What's your name?


endthem October 4 2011, 19:32:45 UTC
[the kid balks for a moment, before lowering his head a little, now avoiding the gaze that he'd just been trying to pick apart]

...I don't have one.


goldenglasses October 4 2011, 19:40:38 UTC
Y-you don't have one? Everyone has a name. [A pause.] What would you like to be called?


endthem October 4 2011, 19:46:42 UTC
[he just keeps his gaze lowered and doesn't answer, looking increasingly uncomfortable where he's standing]


goldenglasses October 4 2011, 19:48:43 UTC
[Slowly Vash will reach out a hand to place gently on the kid's shoulder.] It's okay, we'll think of a good strong one for you.


endthem October 4 2011, 19:53:36 UTC
[he can't help but flinch a little when he's touched, but at least it brings him to glance up at the man momentarily.

Still totally unsure and overwhelmed about this, he finally resorts to quietly retreating inward. ...The touch on his shoulder helps him wall himself up]


goldenglasses October 4 2011, 19:57:01 UTC
[Damn, Vash doesn't thnk this is going well at all.] S-so what do you think about that trip to the bakery? They have yummy cakes and cookies there!


endthem October 4 2011, 20:02:12 UTC
[still terribly reserved, but he at least manages a helpless look up at the guy. He honestly looks confused over what to say]


goldenglasses October 4 2011, 20:04:50 UTC
Hmm, well, are you hungry?


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