17 • [voice|action]

Mar 25, 2011 14:36

[it has been a long time since he's opened his eyes and understood where he was. Through the delirium, he wakes and finds himself staring up at the familiar ceiling of his vacant apartment room in town. No laboratory. No disordered sensations that accompany experimentation and captivity. ...No, he's actually awake. It's a hard fact to take in, at ( Read more... )

!luceti, !unhiatus

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[action] thedicearecast March 25 2011, 22:22:32 UTC
[Amelia's been warned by Vash to look out for certain people, but the man slumped over doesn't immediately warrant much caution beyond what Amelia might normally take. It's clear to her that he's sick, and out in the rain, no less. He'll only make himself worse that way, or so she's been warned. But she's not so cold as to completely ignore someone in need--at least not to an extent that she won't offer some form of help.]

You shouldn't be out here if you're sick. [Even if that help comes in the form of stating the obvious.]


Re: [action] thedicearecast March 26 2011, 07:03:42 UTC
[Of course he'd take her up on it. Amelia visibly tenses, having to fight against the urge to back away and reclaim that bit of personal space. Why did she make that offer?]

Good. Because even in that state, I'll make you regret it if you do. [Amelia is not above kicking a drugged lunatic in the groin. Fair warning.]

Your place if it's close enough. [There's not a chance in the world they're going to hers.] Or the Welcome Center. They have beds, if I'm remembering right.


[action] endthem March 26 2011, 08:11:11 UTC
[if there was anything that some human female didn't have to worry about with him, it was that.

Veritably looming over her now, he stops when she mentions his place. The world swims and he looks around, as if really noticing his surroundings for the first time.]

...I wonder where that is.


Re: [action] thedicearecast March 26 2011, 08:25:16 UTC
[Having no way of knowing she's actually met someone with no interest in her sexually, Amelia naturally assumes the worst. Better prepared that way. Regardless, skin to skin contact alone is enough to make her cringe.]

[What comes next in this little comedy of mistakes doesn't improve things. While it absolutely figures he wouldn't know, there's a part of her that just hadn't thought things could get that much worse.]

If you can at least remember the house number... [No, this is a lost cause. Amelia shakes her head.] Forget it. Come on; the welcome center is close by.


[action] endthem March 26 2011, 08:43:03 UTC
[he lags, still looking off in the direction that he imagines his apartment might be, before her words get through that haze and register. He turns back to her, looking more sick and exhausted now than hysterically amused. The rain is beginning to really get to him]

If you insist.

[lead the way, girl]


Re: [action] thedicearecast March 26 2011, 08:53:40 UTC
[Amelia nods slightly, although the idea of turning her back toward someone Vash cautioned her against meeting at all doesn't settle well. But then again, if what Vash said is true, then this guy is perfectly capable of breaking her before she can react.]

[Sobering thought.]

[But there's no going back at this point, and it's possible that in his condition, Legato can't use his abilities. Regardless, Amelia finally turns, and silently makes her way toward the center. She'll look back every now and then, to make sure Legato hasn't dropped or wandered off before they get there.]


[action] endthem March 26 2011, 09:03:44 UTC
[he manages to keep his feet as he follows, though at moments it's only just barely, and so never needs to take her up on her offer as a crutch. Just trails along like some oversized stray, following without watching her, head hanging apathetically. His eyes may have even fallen closed]


Re: [action] thedicearecast March 26 2011, 21:22:32 UTC
[That suits Amelia perfectly fine. She'll keep an eye out for those "just barely" moments to be safe, but she's more than content to make it to the Welcome Center without incident. Once they're in, she'll look around until she finds one of the rooms with beds--thankfully empty at this point.]

You should get out of those clothes and lay down. I don't know if they have anything here for you to change into, but there are blankets. [Please wrap yourself in as many as possible while Amelia takes her leave.]

I'm going to get something hot for you to sip on.


[action] endthem March 26 2011, 23:31:31 UTC
[there really isn't any way that he couldn't have heard her, but he gives no reaction. No nod or other acknowledgment, just teetering on his feet and thinking to himself as she makes her exit]


Re: [action] thedicearecast March 26 2011, 23:34:57 UTC
[It takes time to brew coffee and heat soup, which is fine by Amelia. She's got no intention or desire to walk in on Legato while he's in any state of undress. Which is why, even after she's got a tray with two mugs and a bowl, she'll stop at the door, opting to call out.]

Did you do what I said?


[action] endthem March 26 2011, 23:45:45 UTC
[the only answer she's going to get is a reactive bout of chuckling. It's as if whatever drug he's on has rerouted every appropriate response through the laughter center of his brain.

Luckily, he's managed to follow her instructions with some margin of success by this point. His coat is the only thing that he was able to shrug off of himself--having only one arm while completely wasted made anything else far too difficult--but he is sitting down at least, and wrapped in blankets. Close enough.]


[action] thedicearecast March 26 2011, 23:57:18 UTC

[Amelia clenches her jaw, reminding herself rather forcibly that the man has had something done to him, so it's not actually his fault that giggling is his reply. So long as he's actually done what she asked, they'll be good.]

[Thankfully, Amelia can relax when she enters the room. It's close enough indeed, and Amelia sets the tray on the nightstand.]

You should drink something. [Hopefully he can manage it. Amelia picks up the second cup and takes a long drink herself, still unused to the cooler temperatures of Luceti.]


[action] endthem March 27 2011, 03:27:07 UTC
[those adjustments from a desert planet can really be a bitch. He reaches for the first cup, eager for the warmth but wondering vaguely if the drink will help to settle his stomach or make the nausea worse.

He doesn't even make it that far, however. He would have been able to deal with the coffee with a decent amount of stoicism... had he not been been so horribly drugged. So, since he is, his face twists into an expression of disgust as soon as he takes a sip, and he puts that cup right back down. ...There isn't even any cream in this, woman]


Re: [action] thedicearecast March 27 2011, 03:33:23 UTC
[No cream and no sugar. Amelia likes her coffee strong and without frills, and naturally prepared both cups just the same. She doesn't miss the look on his face, however, nor how he almost immediately puts it back.]

It doesn't help if you just stare at it.


[action] endthem March 27 2011, 03:36:08 UTC

[he can't get the taste out of his mouth. ...At least he's not laughing now]


Re: [action] thedicearecast March 27 2011, 03:39:49 UTC
[Not laughing clearly means it's working. And Amelia is drinking her cup just fine, so man up.]

It tastes fine. Black works better to sober someone up anyway.


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