Books 2009 - First Trimester

Apr 30, 2009 16:29

Four months are already gone and a third of the year has passed.
In the past years what with school and work and foreign countries I had lost the habit of reading books, losing myself in the internet instead. So I took up reading again this year. I've read more books in four months than in the whole of last year. Not nearly as much as I wish, but it feels good to go back to my first true love :) I'm not a fast reader either. I read in English, not French, and even though I've been reading in English for years now, I don't do it as fast as I wish I could. Maybe one day...

Here are the books, comics and graphic novels I have read so far. You'll notice I mostly read Fantasy (contemporary, urban, magical realism, etc...) and lots of Children and Teen Fiction. I am fascinated by it.



In the Night Garden, by Catherynne VALENTE
Alanna the First Adventure, by Tamora PIERCE
Spirits that Walk in Shadows, by Nina Kiriki HOFFMAN
Uglies, by Scott WESTERFELD
Graphic Novels/Comics:

Zombies Calling, by Faith Erin HICKS
The P.L.A.I.N Janes, by Cecil CASTELLUCCI and Jim RUGG
Emiko Superstar, by Mariko TAMAKI and Steve ROLSTON
Good As Lily, by Derek Kirk KIM and Jesse HAMM



The Ivory and the Horn, by Charles de LINT
Heir to the Empire, by Timothy ZAHN
Here Lies the Librarian, by Richard PECK
The Looking-Glass Wars, by Frank BEDDOR

Graphic Novels/Comics:

Watchmen, by Alan MOORE and Dave GIBBONS



Interworld, by Neil GAIMAN and Michael REAVES
The Neverending Story, by Michael ENDE



The Princess Bride, by William GOLDMAN
Wicked Lovely, by Melissa MARR
Ink Exchange, by Melissa MARR
The Silent Strength of Stones, by Nina Kiriki HOFFMAN
Winter Rose, by Patricia A. McKILLIP

Graphic Novels/Comics:

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Volume I & II, by Alan MOORE and
Lost Girls, by Alan MOORE and Melinda GEBBIE
Calvin and Hobbes, 1985~1992, by Bill WATTERSON

Currently Reading:

Garden Spells, by Sarah Addison Allen
The Forest of Hands and Teeth, by Carrie Ryan

So what I've you read so far? What are you reading now? Do you have any recommendations (except for Twilight, please do not recommend Twilight :) )?
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