the purpose of my LJ account

Oct 06, 2023 10:11

Clexpark by aurora_bee

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Comments 50

stve3 September 9 2006, 07:34:30 UTC
Hi there! remember me?
I wanted to say that even though I didn't post on the Smallville community (mostly because Prison Break has become my new obsession ;) i've been following the posts and I wanted to thank you again for letting me know it's there.
Can I friend you anyway?
BTW I remember you created a guide for LJ right? Where can I see it? I remember from what I've read that it was much more user friendly I really want to know how to put icons.
Thanks :)


enderwiggin24 September 10 2006, 10:22:09 UTC
oh, yes I remember you ( ... )


enderwiggin24 September 10 2006, 10:23:04 UTC
and of course, friend away!
I am not much around these days though, rl and job is very busy!


stve3 September 10 2006, 17:16:06 UTC
Thank you so much for your help! because ,so far, LJ is definitely NOT user-friendly.
The War actually hasn't affected me much since I live in the center but I really appreciate the sentiment :D


Way Off topic... sam_mccoy October 4 2006, 05:10:46 UTC
I was just scrolling threw the sv inquiry board and noticed you had posted a comment for the wendi stories (which by the way I would totally love to get from you) when I noticed your user name. ENDER WIGGIN!! I have never met anyone else who has read the ender stories or even a reference to them...and I wanna you love them too? because I totally do! I just bought ENders Games again (for the fourth time) at the edmonton airport because once again I had lent it out and never got it back. Im not sure what the purpose of this comment is other than to squee!! over another Ender fan.



nothing related to ender could be off topic :D enderwiggin24 October 8 2006, 15:24:49 UTC
hi Sam,

you would be surprised, but i have actually found a couple of people, when wandering around LJ, who also loved and adore the OSC ender series!!!
they also recognized my LJ addy, and talked to me about their love to the ender books!
(funny thing though, just this week, over at metafandom, they linked to this post: )

there is also a website, dedicated to informing fans about the Ender movie, that might be coming:

and more, there is even a LJ community set to enderslash, but since there is no movie yet, its not very active, but I am sure, its going to be changing, when its really coming:
and two others mentioned in their userinfo:
ender_shipsyou, lots and lots of ender fans around :D ( ... )


cloudlb January 12 2007, 04:19:29 UTC
Hi there! I'm going to try to get back into this lj thing (not that I ever was good at it), but I'm missing out. So I posted a little snippet. We'll see what happens. I also want to thank you for the support that you've given me in the past. Be good. Cloud


hi cloud! enderwiggin24 January 12 2007, 22:49:04 UTC
glad to see you are still around :)
though, of course, i have remembered seeing you some times at the yahoo groups as well!
you are right the www is really too big, and one can get easily lost in the fic haze *g*

and i still love your Lex!shoefetish series so much!its funny, cute and hot!


raveninthewind March 9 2007, 04:09:33 UTC
Oh. cool. I am still in a Clex mood, so I'll revisit one of my old fandoms via your themed recs. (SV was my first LJ fandom, back in late 2002. I think a good portion of my flist is from those days, even if some of them have moved on to other fandoms.)


waves :) enderwiggin24 March 9 2007, 23:20:11 UTC
you investigated me, I see *g*
I am glad to feed your clex mood anytime :)
sv is still my first fandom, where I am active, while HL was my first slash fandom.
and first fandom ever? well, that would be back then in my baby silly teenage years star wars and star trek , where without the net, I bought fanzines of them.

well, 99% is still containing past, present, and possible future clex fans, and while my guess is, 70% is not in sv anymore, I am still keeping them all.
its for me more a bookmark list, then really for flist reading purpose anymore ,since I have been reading LJ for over a year now via rss-feeds-reader.


Re: waves :) raveninthewind March 11 2007, 04:09:28 UTC
Hey, Perclexed posted her photos of the hockey game:


Re: waves :) enderwiggin24 March 11 2007, 12:53:55 UTC
thanks, I dl them :D


ghosts July 1 2007, 21:22:29 UTC
*eyebrow* I shouldn't have to ask to be added - we go way back xD


we go way back xD enderwiggin24 July 2 2007, 18:53:01 UTC
we do ?!?!!? XD
no kidding ;D

and honestly, unless you have some awesome bribery like a brilliant clex fic, you wont be added unless explicitly asking here.

but now...... with you, and your know, LJ account from 2000 ZOMG!!

*adds you*, though , to have a fair warning, outside my recs, I am a very violent, not nice at all bitch, so just enter with caution :D


Re: we go way back xD ghosts July 3 2007, 03:45:14 UTC
I find it hard to believe that you could be a bitch. Then again, no one online believes I'm really an asshole IRL xD


I'm really an asshole IRL enderwiggin24 July 3 2007, 09:29:02 UTC
then we will get along fabulously , since I am one as well ;D


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