I am a fundamentalist Christian I joined a while ago and wanted to post this, finally I got around to it. I had some objections to a few posts I saw about the new "missing links". I don't think that this puts the “icing on the cake” for evolution, I think it just proves that Darwinian scientists are panicking because of the rising in dissent against Darwinism. A big sign of this in the News recently is that Cornell is now offering a class on ID.
http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1613182/postsIn fact, the discovery institute just had 400 scientist sign a pledge that they don't believe evolution is fact. You can check it out for yourself here
http://www.dissentfromdarwin.org/ . Here is also a list of scientists from the biological and physical sciences that don't believe in evolution anymore and now adhere to creation.
http://www.icr.org/index.php?module=research&action=index&page=research_biosci "Evolution is baseless and quite incredible."-*John Ambrose Fleming, President, British Association for Advancement of Science, in The Unleashing of Evolutionary Thought.
" `The theory [of evolution] is a scientific mistake.' "-*Louis Agassiz, quoted in H. Enoch, Evolution or Creation, (1966), p. 139. [Agassiz was a Harvard University professor and the pioneer in glaciation.]
Now on to these new "missing links". This half-fish-alligator-thinga-majig (supposedly), is nothing but a tetra pod. In fact, in the scientific journal Nature, which it came out in several other scientists criticized the find. They basically said not to jump the gun, and call it a missing link because it could end up another "icon of evolution". As you all probably know an “icon of evolution”, is something that was called proof that was later discredited that creationists use as evidence against evolution. Even the editor said the same thing, but NBC, ABC, and CNN failed to tell you this. Don't believe me check out these reviews.
http://www.arn.org/blogs/index.php/3This one below is the most thorough examination of the article in Nature:
http://creationsafaris.com/crev200604.htm#darwin754http://www.answersingenesis.org/docs2006/0406fishin.asp This missing link is nothing special, I have a question though. What was the mechanism behind this supposed "evolutionary leap"? Did this creature just start hanging out in shallow waters, and its DNA somehow knew this and started the process of growing legs? How then did it pass the torch on to its ancestors to continue to slooowwwly gradduallly do this over millions of years? We all know that if you get your arm cut off your kid isn't born with a missing arm. How did this creature transition from gills to nostrils over millions of years? It just isn't possible.
Now as far as this new "human ancestor" goes, this is also nothing new.
“The various australopithecines are, indeed, more different from both African apes and humans in most features than these latter are from each other. Part of the basis of this acceptance has been the fact that even opposing investigators have found these large differences as they too, used techniques and research designs that were less biased by prior notions as to what the fossils might have been.”
-Dr. Charles Oxnard, Professor of Anatomy and Human Biology at the University of Western Australia
"The ape-like profile of Australopithecus is so pronounced that its outline can be superimposed on that of a female chimpanzee and a remarkable closeness of fit, and in this respect and others it stands in strong contrast to modern man."- *J.S. Weiner, The Natural History of Man (1973).
"Dr. Charles Oxnard and Sir Solly Zuckerman were leaders in the developement of a powerful multivariate analysis procedure. This computerized technique simultaneously performs millions of comparisons on hundreds of corresponding dimensions of the bones of living apes, humans, and the australopithecines. Their verdict, that the australopithecines are not intermediate between man and living apes, is quite different from the more subjective and less analytical visual techniques of most anthropologists. This technique, however, had not yet been applied to the most recent type of australopithecine, commonly known as 'Lucy.'" -Walter T. Brown, In the Beginning (1989), p. 39.
Lucy is probably nothing but an extinct (maybe) variation of pygmy chimps. There are plenty of respected evolutionists who even disagree about Lucy and are not willing to jump the gun, and the same goes with her relatives. However the most extreme evolutionary, fundamentalist view of Lucy is presented in the text books (hmmmm... fundamentalists trying to take over our schools where have I heard this before...). All that they discovered was some monkey bones they already know about around some other monkey bones that look a little different and this is a huge "enlightening discovery". I don't even have to list off all of the living fossils that have been discovered that evolutionists have said died out "millions of years ago". Bonobo's were just discovered decades ago, who knows if one day Lucy will pop up alive.
Remember when Nebraska man came out it was the "icing on the cake" especially at the scopes trial? It was later discredited and discovered to be constructed from a pigs tooth. Piltdown man was also the "icing on the cake" for a while, but you all know the story behind that...
I think this information is very interesting too… Dr. Jack Cuozzo was the first person to take x-rays of Neanderthals, and he was taught by the father of ortho-anthropology the guy whom the US army hired in WWII to identify Hitler's remains. He found, and he has the photographs in his book, that the original Neanderthal skeletons in France looks much different than the replica's we have in America that appear in the textbooks. His conclusion was that Neanderthals were human beings that lived to be extremely old and therefore had exaggerated bone structures. I would highly recommend his book, here is his website
http://www.jackcuozzo.com/ I'm sure you have all heard the basic arguments against macro-evolution and the fact that we creationists consider micro-evolution just variation. If you haven't please check out this video I believe it’s only a little over and hour long, it was put together by the ICR.
http://christiananswers.net/creation/aqoo/ By the way, why did Carl Sagan refuse to debate people from the ICR on national television if creationism is just flimsy pseudo-science? What about the countless others who have refused too. Why is it that all these creationist debaters who supposedly use such faulty evidence and flimsy arguments still continue to win debates and send evolutionists off with their tails between their legs? I mean it’s obvious that evolutionists are talking about and criticizing these people with their colleagues, you would think that at some point they could refute them in a debate by preparing for the “sleezy tactics” they supposedly use before hand. Also in all of my Science classes I was always told that debates and criticisms are healthy for Science. This is because if a theory can withstand criticisms and debates, it strengthens it and shows it holds water. How come this doesn’t seem to be allowed with evolution? How come the only publicized talk about the whole debate that appears on TV or major publications are evolutionists speaking for the creationists setting up straw-men?
Also how did life evolve from non-living matter? Most text-books still say the Miller-Urey experiment proves something. Well it doesn't, because there is no evidence that the early earth’s atmosphere was anything like how his experiment was set up. In fact, he basically stated several times he used those elements because he knew in the end it would produce amino acids. However, even if his experiment was true how did those amino acids form themselves into complex DNA and protein molecules? It is just as likely that a tornado would go through a junk yard and assemble a ready to fly 747, as it is that amino acids in a puddle would create DNA and Protein and they would know to work together. Something’s are so improbable they are IMPOSSIBLE!.
http://www.iconsofevolution.com/embedJonsArticles.php3?id=1180 Also explain to me the mystery of the the Polonium Halos in the earths layers of granite discovered by former evolutionary Geologist Dr. Richard Gentry. How did an element with a half life of mere minutes, with NO EVIDENCE OF A PARENT ELEMENT, get into the earths granite. Wouldn’t this imply that they were formed within minutes? Even evolutionary Geologists call this a mystery that they don’t have an answer too. Dr. Gentry before he was ostracized by the scientific community had his articles published in Science and Nature Magazines. Here is an archive of them.
http://www.halos.com/reports/index.htmHere are some more free videos for you.
http://www.halos.com/videos/streaming-video.htm#yae Now I have a simple logical question seeing as no scientists, whether they are creationist or evolutionists doubts that Time, Matter, and Space had a beginning. What caused all of this. Wouldn't that imply that the cause was beyond Time, Matter, and Space? Isn't that the definition of God? Don't all these improvable theories like Multi-verses to explain away the complexity of the universe, and such just push this "problem" of a first cause further and further away so it doesn't have to be dealt with?
By the way the skeptic’s annotated bible has been refuted here
http://www.tektonics.org/sab/sab.htmland here
http://skepticsannotatedbible.org/skepticsanotatedbible.htm Also, the infidel guy had his butt whooped on the local Christian radio show here in Detroit by host Bob Dutko. It was the best debate I ever heard, of course the Infidel guy won't post it on his webpage.
Here are some links about Messianic Prophecies, check them out and explain them to me please.
http://www.hopeofisrael.net/messiah.htmhttp://www.messianic-prophecy.net/ These pages are run mostly by Jews who have turned to Christ from the prophecies. What motive do they have to turn to Christ seeing as they get ostracized by their people for their belief?
Explain to me why all of these people in foreign lands are turning to Christ amidst persecution and social rejection? How are they staying faithful to Christ while undergoing torture. Just take some time to sift through them, read their stories.
http://www.persecution.com/How about in this video, the case of Zahid? Who used to persecute Christians in Muslim lands and had a "road to Damascus" experience and is now an evangelist being persecuted. What reason did he have to fake this?
Here is a map showing all the lands this is happening in.
http://www.persecution.com/basic/prisonerList.cfm There is one more thing I wanted to bring up that I find troubling. How come the education system and secular humanists imply that the founders of major disciplines of science such as Isaac Newton and Kepler were humanists and atheists. How come there is no mention of the fact that Isaac Newton wrote more about the bible then he did about science, including subjects such as… uh oh…. The founder of classical physics… it couldn’t be…. The second coming of Christ!? Don’t believe me….
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/8187409037/qid=1145065085/sr=1-1/ref=sr_1_1/002-7962214-7984021?s=books&v=glance&n=283155 Even Einstein noted this phenomenon in “science”.
“In the view of such harmony in the cosmos which I, with my limited human mind, am able to recognize, there are yet people who say there is no God. But what makes me really angry is that they quote me for support of such views.”
(The Expanded Quotable Einstein, Princeton University Press, page 214)
If you want more apologetics information defending both the old and new testament I suggest these two websites.
http://www.carm.org/http://www.christiananswers.net/archaeology/home.html I just want to leave you all with one more thing a little test to take...
Take it here, just follow the instructions
http://www.wayofthemaster.com/ Thanks for taking the time to read this.