LJ Idol Season 11: Week 11, Topic 2 - If the Creek Don't Rise

Jan 17, 2020 12:09

link to the song: https://photos.app.goo.gl/VHQDrg6sYsunNL8W9

Cry, Little Baby

If the creek don't rise
Then the banks won't flood

If the banks don't drown
Then our money's good

If our money's good
Life's a piece of cake

If life's a piece of cake
I hope it's not too rich for our blood

But baby, the creek does rise
The bitter waters climb to the skies
Today we sure better build our boat
We gotta stay afloat

So wake up

If the land don't burn
Then the stalks can sprout

If the stocks return
Then we'll go eat out

If we go eat out
We'll just get desserts

If we get our just desserts
I hope it's not too rich for our blood

But baby, the land does burn
The final fires are just 'round the turn
Today we sure better flee this town
Before it all burns down

So wake up
And take up
Some space with your cries
We won't hear you
Or fear you
If you're pacified
Yes, today
Is okay
But today isn't yours
It's mine

Cry, little baby, don't you sleep
Papa's gonna give you a world to keep
And if that world ain't green and blue
Papa's not gonna know what to do
And if Papa's not gonna give you a plan
Then you gotta be the one who can
And if you can't, it's not your fault
Here's a diamond ring and a grain of salt

lj idol, song

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