Ficlets x 4

Jan 15, 2007 10:36

Left for Dead
Rating: FRT
Pairing: (past) Greg / Gil
Spoiler: Fannysmackin’
Prompt: Snow Patrol - “How to be dead”

It’s sadly familiar-this sense of dying. He’s felt it more than once.

(One) When the lab exploded;

(Two) When he screwed up his case, and possibly his chance as a CSI;

(Three) When Gil had set his packed bag by the door.

This time he had been sent out alone. He lay on the pavement in puddles of his own blood, staring blearily from one eye at the guy he’d hit-was he still breathing? He’d never killed a person. He wondered what Gil would do. Wondered if Gil would come for him as he had in the past.

Breaking Apart
Rating: FRC
Characters: Danny, (Mac) slightly Danny/Mac
Spoilers: Implied “Tanglewood” “Crime and Misdemeanor” “On the Job” and “What you See is What You See”
Prompt: Snow Patrol - “Tiny little fractures”

The big things don’t simply break. It begins with tiny, hairline fractures. Shuttered looks, no more private smiles. Even the smallest amount of pressure sends out more spider-like fissures.

“I told you to drop it. You disobeyed a direct order.” Arguing does no good when you’re already judged.

“Against everything I was told, I decided to hire you.” Disappointment is perhaps the hardest to deal with. Anger’s okay, you can get angry back. How can you guard against a disgusted look of regret? You want it to be okay again.

“Are we okay?”

“We’ll see.”

The world comes crashing down.

Rating: FRT
Characters: Greg/Gil
Spoilers: None
Prompt: Snow Patrol - “Never Gonna Fall in Love Again”

He swore never to be hurt again. Three heartbreaks were enough-distant parents; two former lovers. When he came to Vegas he played the flirting game but decided Never Get Too Close and certainly Never Sleep With Coworkers. Thankfully, Vegas was full of sexy, willing bodies ready for a night or two.

No problem; only room for friendships.

Never Again, he said after breaking his first rule-swapping spit with his boss was Too Close.

Never Again, he said, crawling out of bed after Sleeping With His Boss.

“Come back to bed,” Gil said.

He recognized it was Too Late.

Keep Breathing
By: Clarity Scifiroots
Regular disclaimers apply.
Summary: A drabble for
dz100 (challenge “breath”) Bruce waits. (Bruce/Johny)
fivebyfiction prompt "addiction"

I wake every hour. Each time I turn my head and wait for his breath to caress my face; only then can I let myself breathe. He’s scaring me lately. The pain is getting worse and I see it all too clearly every day.

He won’t see the doctor, we both know what will be said. John can’t give up the visions. I know as he does that they’re part of his destiny. Wish it wasn’t.

Damn the pills-they don’t work but he keeps taking them. Far too many.

I wait for him to breathe; scared that he’ll stop.

genre: drabble, mac/danny, slash, csi new york, gil/greg, fanfiction, the dead zone, csi, genre: episode tag, bruce/johnny, genre: angst, rating: teen, sci-fi, fivebyfiction

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