{Fic} Dead Zone: Thou shalt be... | Gen | for fanaticalone

Jun 20, 2006 21:42

Thou shalt be...
By Clarity Scifiroots
Disclaimers apply.
Fandom: The Dead Zone           Characters: Bruce, Johnny, Purdy
SPOILERS: Season five’s premiere episode “Forbidden Fruits”, and four’s cliff-hanger “Saved”
Summary: Picking up where “Forbidden Fruits” left off, Bruce encourages Johnny to accept a helping hand. (And *gasp* it’s actually gen fic!) (Title is from the passage Janus/Johnny recites in the episode “Saved”)
Twentieth day of June!fic for
fanaticalone’s “ meal for three” request.
(Would have preferred to do something happier, but I lost my job today and I feel like shit, to put it bluntly.)

Bruce lingered near the doorway after leading Purdy in to find Johnny. The past few days had been hellish, the outcome-Miranda’s death-the worst of all. He didn’t want Purdy messing things up even more. Although he didn’t get the sense that Purdy was going to cause trouble this time... there had been something in the man’s defeated stature as he entered the mansion that spoke volumes. Maybe he had something to share regarding a breakthrough on Janus. Maybe Purdy had finally wised up and was going to help out?

“I owe you an apology. I was blinded by my own ambition.” Wow. Sounded like he’d made an accurate guess. He hadn’t really thought Johnny would ever be able to recruit Purdy. He tuned back in on the conversation, hoping to find out what had happened.

“Janus came to see me a few days ago. He gave me this envelope and told me I wasn’t to open it until the proper time...” Shit. This guy really knew what he was doing. First he’d planted the bible in Johnny’s bedroom, leaving a “vision message,” then set up false leads at an address he somehow knew Johnny would find, and he’d been playing Purdy like a well-tuned fiddle.

“It’s not even his handwriting, I checked. He’d just deny it! There’s no way to prove it came from him. I’ve been over it a thousand times in my head...”

“Gene.” Johnny sounded desperate behind the stern, forced calm of his voice.

“I assumed it was something to do with the marriage ceremony.” It was strange to hear tears in the proud man’s voice. There were a lot of things he was hearing from Purdy that he’d never expected. “Then after Miranda... after she collapsed, I opened it.”

“What is it? What’s in the envelope?”

Bruce held his breath, knowing Johnny did the same.

“It’s her eulogy.” Purdy’s voice dipped low and anger backed his words. “The sonofabitch wrote Miranda’s eulogy two days before she died.”

Christ... Bruce sagged against the wall and stared numbly at the ceiling. It hadn’t been Stillson. For a while that was the only thought he could process. Slowly he realized that meant that the congressman’s torn expression had been real-heartfelt. So strange to think that Stillson might actually have a heart... His breath caught in his throat. Everything, all that had happened, could have been orchestrated my Janus... and what would that mean? Had he been helping Johnny chase the wrong man all these years? Shit. It was too hard to think.

He stepped away from the wall and headed into the kitchen. Early he’d tried getting Johnny to eat something, his friend kept losing weight, never seeming to remember to feed himself. Even if it’d be harder to eat after Purdy’s revelation, Bruce knew they could all use a little food. And he could use the distractions of preparing a meal.

~ * ~ * ~

Half an hour later Bruce returned to the den to find Johnny and Purdy speaking softly and haltingly. The TV was on mute off to the side.

“Hey,” he greeted quietly. “I made some dinner, thought we could all use it.” He stared meaningfully at Johnny.

Sighing quietly, Johnny got to his feet and offered a hand to Purdy. Bruce watched them in silent wonder. Amazing how things could change so quickly.

“I, uh, heard the conversation early,” he admitted as he led the way to the dining room. Purdy shook his head without looking up.

Johnny shot Bruce a sharp look. After a moment he quirked a small smile. “Guess you don’t always need to be a psychic to keep on top of things.”

Bruce patted his shoulder and indicated with his freehand that Johnny should take a seat at the table. “I made some coffee, but I’m not sure what you guys would want.”

Purdy sat across from Johnny and finally looked at Bruce. “Coffee would be fine. Black, please.”

“John?” Bruce prompted, eyeing his friend carefully.

“Yeah, coffee’s great.” Bruce kept a dubious snort to himself.

He poured Purdy’s coffee and then Johnny’s, leaving enough room in the mug to pour a shot of brandy in. Couldn’t hurt, he decided. He finished adding the sugar and cream in his and Johnny’s mugs, then skillfully picked up all three coffees and brought them out.

“Thanks,” Johnny muttered.

Nodding silently, Bruce took his seat next to Johnny and picked up his fork. As he’d suspected, they all poked at their food silently for a while. Bruce dared to take the first bite and although it was hard to swallow, his stomach growled hungrily for more. Smiling internally, he took another bite and was glad to see the others follow his lead.

Eventually, once everyone had made a dent in their food, Bruce asked, “How long do you think Janus has been calling the shots?”

Purdy looked at him warily. “I hadn’t met him until he made my bail.”

Johnny stared hard at his plate, turning his fork over and over between his fingers. “I don’t know. He could have been in the background all along. He didn’t really start appearing until after the death of Stillson’s father, though.”

Bruce shivered at the reminder. Maybe Stillson was more of a puppet than the string-puller, but he was far from guiltless. He glanced at Purdy. “Did you know Stillson killed his father?”

Purdy’s silverware clattered against his plate before tumbling to the floor. “Excuse me?”

From his left, Bruce could feel the heat of Johnny’s disapproving glare. Oh well.

“Yes...” the blond said cautiously, setting aside his fork. “It was something he admitted to Miranda. That was part of the reason she tried to get away from him.” Bruce looked at his friend worriedly, hearing the frustration and guilt. “But Janus trapped her by threatening my life.”

Bruce quickly reached over and wrapped his fingers around Johnny’s arm. “It was her choice, John,” he said firmly. “She wanted to keep you safe. She knew you were the only one who could figure this thing out.”

Angrily Johnny pulled his arm away. “Yeah, I’m doing just great!” he snapped. “Stillson’s well on his way to the White House, Janus is making me run in circles, and Miranda’s dead because I was too stupid to realize what the venom meant!”

“You saw it?” Purdy asked quietly, no accusation, only deep regret. Bruce closed his eyes against the anger and pain contorting Johnny’s face.

“Yes. He distracted me by attempting to kill the reporter’s wife... with a poisonous snake. Its venom had been milked before it was bagged. The man Janus sent got a hold of it,” he said bitterly.

Bruce shook his head silently, denying the guilt dripping from each word.

“It’s not your fault,” he murmured.

Surprisingly, Purdy backed him up without a moment’s pause. “He’s right, Johnny. Janus knows what he’s doing, he’s an expert manipulator.”

“But now we can pool our resources,” Bruce urged. He looked to Purdy for confirmation and was encouraged by the nod he received in response. “We dig deeper and start watching our steps more carefully. We’re not gonna let him win, John. You don’t have to fight alone.” He laid his hand on Johnny’s shoulder and squeezed gently.

The expression that came over Johnny’s face was all too familiar, and Bruce wished he could have known that this would be one of the rare times his touch sparked a vision. “Shit,” he cursed softly, pulling his hand away. Johnny didn’t snap out of it.

Moments later, the blonde’s head jerked unnaturally to the left and his elbow caught the edge of his plate, tipping it over.

“Does this usually happen?” Purdy asked, his tone clearly suggesting he already knew the answer.

Bruce was more concerned about Johnny than answering the reverend. “John, man, you gotta snap out of it.” Hesitantly he gripped the blonde’s wrists and held tight despite the struggles to dislodge him. “John. C’mon, listen to me. You need to get out of there, come back. You’re at home. Come on, buddy.”

It too far longer than Bruce would have liked for the psychic to collapse bonelessly in the chair. Taking a shaky breath of relief, Bruce realized that Purdy had gotten up and was standing close by, ready to help but not crowding.

“You okay, man?”

Johnny trembled visibly as he made the effort to lift his head. His blue eyes were so haunted... Bruce swallowed the feeling of nausea, reminding himself that he needed to stay strong for his friend. Realizing that he still held his friend’s wrists, he quickly let go and took a step back.

“What did you see?” Purdy asked quietly, almost reverently. Bruce shot him an annoyed look although he couldn’t bring himself to fault the man for his beliefs that there was something spiritual about Johnny’s visions. He’d thought so himself on more than a few occasions.

Johnny’s gaze cautiously ran up Bruce’s arm and fixated on his face. There was a look of fear in his expression that chilled Bruce to the bone.

“We’re in for a hell of a time, huh?”

“You don’t know the half of it...” Johnny whispered, his gaze broken.

“Tell me what you need, Johnny.” Purdy sounded far calmer than he had all afternoon.

“I can’t let you get involved.” The blue gaze was still locked on Bruce, so he wasn’t sure if the statement was supposed to include Purdy or not.

“I’m already in, man,” Bruce reminded.

Johnny’s mouth tightened until his lips thinned into bloodless, white lines. “If Janus has his way,” he said in a low voice, “Miranda’s only the first.” Bruce heard the unspoken words. Not just the lives of Rachel Caldwell, Alex Connors, and Miranda Ellis would be lost in this fight. To continue meant risking the lives of more people Johnny knew, probably those he knew far more intimately. Deaths that would be untraceable, possibly even excusable if done just a certain way....

“I’m not letting you face this alone,” Bruce swore.

The fear on Johnny’s face multiplied exponentially. “You’re all going to die.”

“We’ll change it,” he countered determinedly.

Purdy was forgotten in their face-off.

“I’m not willing to sacrifice you. Any of you,” Johnny growled, anger warring with fear.

“Maybe we don’t have that choice. We don’t know unless we try.”

“I’ve already had to watch you die!”

“Yeah? I’ve seen you die, too!” Bruce snapped. “Doesn’t mean a damn thing anymore. You know why? Because you and me changed things. You figured out how to make sure we got through it okay.”

Johnny shook his head, but the anger drained from his expression, giving way to resignation. “I don’t want anyone else to die.”

“Then we’ll do our damnedest to make sure it doesn’t happen,” Bruce promised.

Sensing that the argument was resolved at least temporarily, Purdy spoke up. “I want to know all of it, Johnny. I need to be prepared.”

Johnny dragged a trembling hand over his face. “Okay, Gene,” he said quietly. “Okay...”

Bruce bit his lip, longing to read out to comfort but not daring to on the heels of what had clearly been a traumatic vision. For now he’d convinced his friend to accept the help being offered. He’d rather not have to have that argument yet again tonight.

~ * Fin * ~

Meh.... I wanted to give a little more for Purdy. But like I said early on, I lost my job honestly out of the blue. I had no idea it was going to happen. Interesting how that murders a plot bunny without care, eh? *sigh* I'll be back with something good tomorrow, I promise....

fanfiction, genre: drama, the dead zone, genre: episode tag, gen, sci-fi, june!fic 2006, rating: teen

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