Claims Listings - Updated March 4, 08 20:23

May 21, 2006 12:22

UPDATE: March 4, 2008 - "loss"

May 29, 2007 - "envy"
7_deadly_sins; "time" "both sides" "lack of god" "orientation"

May 6, 2007 - New Dead Zone story linked for
philosophy_20 ("ends justify..." prompt)

A new claim for tDZ (general series, although knowing me most will be slashy Johnny/Bruce) on

1. Birth 2. Loss 3. Ends Justify The Means 4. Inertia 5. Syzygy 6. Theory 7. Both Sides 8. Faith 9. Orientation 10. Time 11. Extrinsic 12. 6th Sense 13. Love Beyond Desire 14. Parallel 15. Infinity 16. God 17. Lack of God 18. And if the answer is no / can I change your mind? 19. Caught in the form of limitation. 20. Reflection
First up is for
7_deadly_sins_ I've claimed Johnny/Bruce from The Dead Zone for this one:

1. Greed. 2. Gluttony. 3. Wrath. 4. Sloth. 5. Envy. 6. Lust. 7. Pride.
Next up is for
au_abc wherein I've decided to have some fun with Gil & Greg from CSI: Las Vegas!

Apocalypse Bangsian Cyberpunk Detectives Eastern Fantasy Genderfuck History Inmates Jocks Killed Legends Mutants Normal Outerspace Pirates Quetzalcoatl Royalty School Thieves Utopia Vampires Western Xover Yuppies Zoomorphs - - - -
Yup, I'm friggin' insane....
drabbles100 with Face/Murdock of The A-Team:

001. Beginnings 002. Middles 003. Ends 004. First 005. Last 006. Hours 007. Days 008. Weeks 009. Months 010. Years 011. Red 012. Grey 013. White 014. Black 015. Blue 016. Purple 017. Brown 018. Green 019. Pink 020. Colourless 021. Friends 022. Enemies 023. Lovers 024. Family 025. Strangers 026. Teammates 027. Parents 028. Children 029. Birth 030. Death 031. Sunrise 032. Sunset 033. Too Much 034. Not Enough 035. Sixth Sense 036. Smell 037. Sound 038. Touch 039. Taste 040. Sight 041. Shapes 042. Triangle 043. Square 044. Circle 045. Moon 046. King 047. Heart 048. Diamond 049. Queen 050. Joker 051. Water 052. Fire 053. Earth 054. Air 055. Spirit 056. Breakfast 057. Lunch 058. Dinner 059. Food 060. Drink 061. Winter 062. Spring 063. Summer 064. Fall 065. Passing 066. Rain 067. Snow 068. Lightning 069. Thunder 070. Storm 071. Broken 072. Fixed 073. Light 074. Dark 075. Shattered 076. Rebirth 077. Paralysis 078. Disease 079. Agony 080. Healing 081. Blind 082. Deaf 083. Lost 084. Found 085. Missing 086. Choices 087. Life 088. He 089. She 090. It 091. Birthday 092. Christmas 093. Thanksgiving 094. Solstice 095. New Year 096. Writer‘s Choice 097. Writer‘s Choice 098. Writer‘s Choice 099. Writer‘s Choice 100. Writer‘s Choice
*coughs* So.....
Aprox. 30 weeks to complete  fic
Tags: Malcolm Reynolds/Simon Tam, scifiroots, firefly

ficmixmake a mix CD and write stories for it.
Fandom: Firefly
Character/Pairing: Mal/Simon
01. " Do What You Have to Do" Sarah McLachlan
02. "Blow Up The Outside" Soundgarden
03. "Wish I Was A Girl" Counting Crows
04. "Save Me" Aimee Mann
05. "Collide" Howie Day 06. "Inconceivable" Leah Andreone
07. "This Grudge" Alanis Morissette
08. "Sympathy" Goo Goo Dolls 09. "Butterflies & Hurricanes" Muse 10. "I Am Yours" Tracy Chapman Progress: 1/10
Han/Luke claim on
sw_mythology. I blame Sori for my addition =p

01) The Great Flood (Disaster) 02) The Seventh Seal (Mythological Numbers) 03) The Odyssey (Travel) 04) The Epic Battle (War) 05) The Garden of Good and Evil (Good vs. Evil) 06) Resurrection (Recovering from Injuries) 07) The Allfather (Parental Figures) 08) Theogony (Beginnings) 09) The Passion of the Christ (Suffering) 10) Cupid and Psyche (Romance) 11) Sodom and Gomorrah (Lust) 12) Descent into the Underworld (Death) 13) The Four Seasons (Weather) 14) The Three Fates (Destiny) 15) The Danger of Arrogance and Hubris (Ego) 16) The Hero's Quest (Strength) 17) The Divine Order (Religion) 18) The Apocalypse (Endings) 19) The Afterlife (Ghosts) 20) The Cosmic Order (Space) 21) Children of the Gods (Heroes and/or Villains) 22) Angels and Demons (Aliens) 23) The Midas Touch (Greed) 24) The Iliad (Rivalry) 25) The Achilles Heel (Weakness) 26) The Eye of Odin (Sacrifice) 27) The Halls of Asgard (Palace) 28) Nirvana (Spirituality) 29) The Prophet's Dream (Precognition) 30) The Divine Child (Birth) 31) The Little Gods (Forgotten) 32) The White Stag (Hunting) 33) The Eight Immortals (Archetpes) 34) The Fall from Grace (Loss) 35) Scylla and Charybdis (Decisions) 36) Chaos and Order (The Force) 37) The Golden Age (Perfection) 38) The Origin of Fire (Elements) 39) The Quest for the Holy Grail (Desire) 40) The Triple Goddess (Women) 41) Oedipus and Elektra (Forbidden) 42) Writer's choice of mythological theme

star wars, mal/simon, gil/greg, philosophy_20, 7_deadly_sins_, fanfiction, sw_mythology, claims, firefly, bruce/johnny, the a-team, han/luke, resources, murdock/face, the dead zone, drabbles100, csi, serenity, au_abc, ficmix

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