Fandoms & Pairings Post (updated April 2009)

Jul 12, 2005 06:32

Updated April 23, 2009

I'm finally doing this type of post for a few reasons:
A) I've always been rather fond of elsewherecw's "fandom info" post;
B) making lists are randomly fun at times. o.0;;;
And largely why: C) I've joined fics_on_demand and it would be helpful to have a post where the fandoms and my likes are listed.

My "Active" Fandoms: The Dead Zone, CSI, Firefly/Serenity, The A-Team, Final Fantasy VII

Consistent favorites:
* Dead Zone is a depressingly small fandom. I love seeing new fic (preferably Gen & anything other than Walt/Johnny). I'd kill for Bruce/Johnny. They are my ultimate OTP.
* Final Fantasy VII, mostly gen & slash (fav characters: Zack, Cloud, Sephiroth, Aeris, Yuffie)
* Firefly, Mal/Simon
* CSI, Gil/Greg. Another pairing I'd kill to see more of.
* Star Wars, Han/Luke. I'm totally addicted now.
* The West Wing, Josh/Sam.

History: I started out as a 'shipper for things like Sailor Moon, Ronin Warriors (Yoroiden Samurai Troopers), and Ranma 1/2, but by the time Gundam Wing started airing, I came across the yaoi/slash fandom and really have never gone back.

General: As you can probably tell I really only write and read from my "live action" fandoms these days. Overall I much prefer the live action fandoms nowadays. I write slash of the male/male type and also gen/non-pairing for the most part but I have my fav femslash couples, too, and have ideas to write for the ladies. I tend to always have at least a hint of angst or hurt/comfort in my stories but I've gotten over my melodrama of my early fics (thank goodness!) I love humor fics but I'm not very good at writing them--the best I can usually pull off is "warm & fuzzy feeling fic" (LOL)

Quick notes: bolded items mean that I like to write/am happily willing to write in the fandom/the pairing/etc. Plain items mean I am familiar with the series, I can read it with a pretty good understanding, and I would be willing to write it. And striked items mean I know the item but I do not think I'm capable of writing it and/or I just plain *don't* want to write it.

they're grouped into anime-manga / video games / scifi /etc.

Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon - manga-based, Sailor Stars anime season
Yoroiden Samurai Troopers (Ronin Warriors)
Here Is GreenWood
Demon Diaries
Under the Glass Moon
Please Save My Earth
Yu Yu Hakusho - anime-based
Gundam Wing
Ranma 1/2
Angel Sanctuary
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Petshop of Horrors
Sorcerer Hunters - manga-based
ZetsuAi Since 1989 / Bronze
Until the Full Moon
Armitage III
Princess Mononoke
Spirited Away
Vampire Hunter D - the movies

The Last Unicorn

Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X
Chrono Cross
Shadow of Destiny
Kingdom Hearts
Beyond Good and Evil
Resident Evil (various)
Silent Hill (I-IV and Origins)

The Dead Zone
The Sentinel
Stargate SG-1 - (familar with material pre-season 8)
The X-Files
So Weird - (the Fi episodes, the original ones)
Ocean Girl - I loved this show
Spellbinders - again, loved this show
The West Wing
Sports Night
The A-Team
Star Trek: TOS
Star Trek: TNG
Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Battlestar Galactica: TOS - stayed away BSG 1980 and 2003
Buffy the Vampire Slayer
CSI: Las Vegas
CSI: New York
Without A Trace
Crossing Jordan
Homicide: Life on the Street
In Plain Sight
The Closer

Pirates of the Caribbean (1-3)
Lord of the Rings
Withnail & I
The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert
Star Wars - I only like the original movies
X-men - movieverse
Donnie Darko
The Crow
The Prestige
Lady in the Water

Harry Potter by JKR
Song of the Lioness (series) by Tamora Pierce
Court Duel by Sherwood Smith
Wren to the Rescue (series) by Sherwood Smith
The Book of Three (series) by Lloyd Alexander
Redwall (series) by Brian Jacques

Shonen-ai/Yaoi/Slash Pairings
BSSM: Kunzite/Zoicite
YST/RW: Touma/Seiji, Shuu/Shin
HiG: Mitsuru/Shinoubu
FAKE: Dee/Ryo, Berkley Rose/Ryo
PSME: Issei/Jinpachi
YYH: Yomi/Kurama, Kuronue/Kurama, Karasu/Kurama, Kurama/Touya
GW: Treize/Zechs, Heero/Duo, Wufei/Duo
Utena: Touga/Saionji
SH: Mirufi/Marron, Chiffon/Kahlua

FF7: Zack/Cloud, Sephiroth/Cloud, Sephiroth/Zack
FF8: Irvine/Squall
FF9: Kuja/Zidane
SoD: Eike/Hommunculous
KH: Sephiroth/Cloud, Riku/Sora

tDZ: Bruce/Johnny, I would be willing to attempt Bruce/Walt, Stillson/Johnny, Stillson/Bruce
tS: Jim/Blair (duh)
SG1: Jack/Daniel, Daniel/Martouf
XF: Mulder/Krychek
tWW: Josh/Sam, Josh/Kenny
SN: Dan/Casey, Dan/Jeremy
tAT: Murdock/Face
ST: Spock/Kirk
MfU: Illya/Napoleon
BSG: Apollo/Starbuck
CSI: Gil/Greg, Warrick/Nick, Nick/Greg
CSI NY: Mac/Danny
Firefly: Mal/Simon
H:LotS: Lewis/Kellerman, Bayliss/...
House: House/Wilson

PotC: Jack/Will, Will/Norrington
LotR: Aragorn/Legolas, Elrond/Legolas
Priscilla: Tick/Adam
SW: Han/Luke
Prestige: Angier/Bordon

HP: Snarry (adult ages only)

Shoujo-ai/Yuri/Femslash Pairings
BSSM: Haruka/Michiru, Seiya/Usagi, Setsuna/Taiki, Taiki/Ami, Yaten/Minako
Utena: Utena/Anthy

Xeno: Shion/Kos-Mos

SG-1: Sam/Janet, Sam/Hailey, Hailey/Cassie

tWW: Joey/Mandy
BtVS: Willow/Tara
CSI: Sofia/Catherine
Firefly: Kaylee/River, Inara/Kaylee

PotC: AnaMaria/Elizabeth, Tia Dalma/AnaMaria
SW: Leia/OFC

Het Pairings
FAKE: Bikky/Carol, Now, not this pairing on its own but... Ryo/Diana
YYH: Kurama/Shizuru, Sakyoo/Shizuru
Utena: Touga/Utena

Re: Matrix(Enzo)/AndrAIa, Bob/Dot
Gargoyles: Goliath/Elisa, Xanatos/Fox

FF7: Zack/Aeris
FF8: Squall/Quistis
Xeno: chaos/Shion

tDZ: Stillson/Rachel, Stillson/Miranda, Johnny/Dana, Bruce/Dana
SG-1: Daniel/Janet, Teal'c/Janet, Teal'c/Sam, Martouf/Sam, Narim/Sam
XF: Mulder/Scully
tWW: Toby/CJ, Sam/Ainsley, Josh/Joey
BtVS: Oz/Willow, Spike/Buffy
CSI: Warrick/Catherine
CSI NY: Danny/Aiden
Firefly: Wash/Zoe, Jayne/Kaylee
CJ: Nigel/Jordan
H:LotS: Lewis/Stivers
House: Chase/Cameron

PotC: Will/Tia Dalma, Norrington/Elizabeth, Barbossa/Elizabeth
SW: Han/Leia, Lando/Leia
XM: Wolverine/Rouge

SotL: George/Alanna
CD: Shevreath/Meliara

The amnesia trope -- I'm addicted to amnesia stories. Don't ask me why... I just love them like crazy. Well-written, of course...
In-character AU -- I need the characters to be recognizable, but I do enjoy well-written AUs, particularly ones that integrate canon in intriguing ways
"Missing scenes" -- I really do like these =) Afterall, everything always seems to have something missing that could have gone all sorts of ways so I like to see people's various ideas...
First Time -- "get together" fics, I mean. I love to see the characters getting hooked up... usually because it means some angsting, I admit. ;;^^ FTs are truly my favorite fics.
Humor -- This category is hard to pull off, I find, so I admire the people who can do it well. =) Plus I always need a good laugh after my usual drama / angsting / h/c fics I read.

PWPs -- I can read the occasional one and I can write a scene of plotless sex, but I don't care for these. Fanfiction is meant to be a story, IMO, so I want a plot!
OOCness -- Out of character"ness" is a no-go for me. I don't like abusive!Heero or teary!Daniel and I consider it a bastardization of a character. I also don't like people trying to make villians "good." I mean, sure, go ahead and pimp your fav villian characters, but don't you like them because they're evil? (My biggest issue is with folks' occasional flowery interpretation of Karasu. Damnit, I like his character because he's so pyschotic! You can "justify" his actions in what he may think are okay, but still that's not gonna make it really okay in the real world!)
*"Woo-man" and "Butch" rolesin Slash pairings -- I absolutely detest this total degradation of characters, what it implies about women (hey man, I'm a feminist!), and honestly what I find homophobic nature. Do I even need to explain this?

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