So, Here I sit... wondering where my bestest friend is and why she had that sad unwanted visitor poem and how her hair came out and she hasn't called me all day and I'm wondering how her head is feeling???? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm................ ( crap )
Man it has been a while. I haven't been able to get on the computer much at all lately. Fathers Day and then last weekend I was busy busy busy. And during the week is always tricky cause I have to go to bed early... I'm already up past when I should be. I hate waking soooo early.. ( fat )
I must say I am soooooooooooo excited. I just ordered my honey a Satellite radio!! He'll be soo happy. He's been wanting a new radio for his car cause the one he has now doesn't work and now he'll get this and I'm happpy!!! I still have no clue what to do for Daddy dear but, at least the hubby is taken care of... *sigh of relief* Thanks a whole
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A friend of mine is selling throws. You know the kinds you throw down on to your bed/couch. It's $100.00. I know a little pricey but sooo worth it. Check it out... ( Check out the throw )