awdt: Believe in what your heart is saying.

Aug 04, 2007 14:45

Title: Whipped Pup (Animal arc, part 24/26)
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry and Draco
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Angst, language
Word count: 1620
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written for this week's awdt prompt, which was Believe in what your heart is saying ( Read more... )

comm: awdt, rating: pg13, content: angst, content: jealousy, verse: animal arc

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Comments 52

sandyra_kay August 4 2007, 19:54:16 UTC
That's not funny Jae. Straw!sex is a necessity, you know that!
This totally made me tear up though. And now I want to go listen to Josh Groban...


enchanted_jae August 4 2007, 20:50:28 UTC
Yeah, I figured. They've already done the mud!sex--may as well have the straw!sex.


sloane_hd August 4 2007, 20:43:01 UTC
I loved Harry's speech!
There's going to be straw!sex? OMG YAY!
The final can wait.


enchanted_jae August 4 2007, 20:51:22 UTC
I loved Harry's speech, too. He should have made it six months ago, though.

You wanna see straw!sex? Perv! *laughs*


sloane_hd August 4 2007, 21:06:52 UTC
*sighs dramatically*
I live to perv.


piratesmile331 August 4 2007, 20:59:44 UTC
Straw!sex is going to be...painful or itchy, I suspect. Still, bring it on!


enchanted_jae August 4 2007, 22:30:37 UTC
Straw isn't nearly so sharp and prickly as hay. They'll be alright.


gurliemoviegeek August 4 2007, 21:05:40 UTC
Wonderfully, beautifully moving!
What a speech!
How could Draco say no to that? . . .
*tackle hugs*


enchanted_jae August 4 2007, 22:31:15 UTC
Draco couldn't say no...that was the plan. Hee!


knic26 August 4 2007, 21:19:03 UTC
I like the word-y Harry...makes the upcoming sex to come more believable.

Does straw sex mean that there will be no sex in the finale? I am voting for hot sex in both....;)


enchanted_jae August 4 2007, 22:31:54 UTC
I hadn't thought about sex in the finale. *ponders*


knic26 August 4 2007, 22:35:25 UTC
I tend to like the way you think;)


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