Gains 580

May 14, 2024 19:29

Title: Gains 580
Author: enchanted_jae
Team: Aurors
Character(s): Draco, Harry
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Word count: 100
Written for: dracoharry100 Prompt No. 800 - illusion
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Summary: They fought for a noble reason.

Gains 580 )

comm: dracoharry100, rating: pg, verse: gains, content: kid(s), length: 100 word drabble

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Comments 4

lijahlover May 15 2024, 01:10:36 UTC
Yes, such a true last line.


enchanted_jae May 23 2024, 00:19:04 UTC
Let's hope they aren't too bratty.


myriadprobold May 15 2024, 02:52:42 UTC
I think Harry planning on them being together for the long term is pretty great. They will have so many stories to tell the children when they get older. They may even seem like fairytales.


enchanted_jae May 23 2024, 00:21:33 UTC
I suspect Harry is caught up in the magic of a new baby. He's not going to forgive Draco overnight for the circumstances he's in.


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