Potter Pan

Oct 22, 2022 12:27

Title: Potter Pan
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco, other HP characters
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Strong suggestion
Word count: 675
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Belated birthday gift for sassy_cissa
hd_fluff Fluffy Halloween Fest, using the prompt Harry wants ( Read more... )

content: slytherin!harry, rating: pg13, content: possessive!harry, content: established relationship, content: bickering, content: fluff, content: humor, fest: fluffy halloween fest, content: cross dressing, gift: birthday, content: halloween, comm: hd_fluff, content: fest fic

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Comments 6

adafrog October 22 2022, 19:06:44 UTC
Although I always get amused when I hear the Brits calls it fancy dress party.


enchanted_jae October 24 2022, 01:51:01 UTC
Well, it is sort of fancy...



digthewriter October 24 2022, 17:50:47 UTC
hahah nicely done.
I love it. <3


enchanted_jae October 26 2022, 23:15:16 UTC
Harry can't lose for winning, it seems.


Potter Pan koshweasley October 25 2022, 11:09:06 UTC
Haa. Love this. Its just the perdect way to begin the day. Start to finish, it has given me a big smile.


Re: Potter Pan enchanted_jae October 26 2022, 23:15:30 UTC
Whee! I'm delighted you enjoyed it!


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