DracoTopsHarry Fest fic: Uncivilized

May 09, 2016 20:06

Title: Uncivilized
Author: enchanted_jae
Prompt: #87 - Draco knows he probably should NOT be spending the majority of his workday fantasizing about bending his boss over his desk. But really, it's not his fault Potter's got such a fuckable arse.
Summary: Draco's boss brings out his uncivilized side.
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Warning(s): (highlight for details ( Read more... )

rating: nc17, fest: draco tops harry, content: desk sex, content: angry sex, content: office sex, content: partially clothed sex, content: top!draco, content: fest fic, content: dub-con

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Comments 12

ldydark1 May 10 2016, 02:38:54 UTC
Fans self..


enchanted_jae May 11 2016, 00:03:50 UTC
*fans you with fronds*



monrque May 10 2016, 03:43:25 UTC
Just what i needed. I have been busy so i dont get to read much these days. Thank you


enchanted_jae May 11 2016, 23:14:36 UTC
Glad you enjoyed it!


spicykittins May 10 2016, 05:13:55 UTC
I always love reading your stories. Proof reading as a beta and then as a reader gives is an even more unique and enjoyable experience :)


enchanted_jae May 14 2016, 00:54:58 UTC
Thanks again for your help!


roelliej May 10 2016, 09:32:29 UTC
I love those boys being uncivilized. :-)

Very hot! :-)


enchanted_jae May 29 2016, 00:55:11 UTC
Mm, I do, too! Thanks for reading!


adafrog May 11 2016, 02:21:28 UTC
Okay then.
I love snarky bitchy Draco.


enchanted_jae May 29 2016, 00:55:30 UTC
Harry seems to find him attractive, too.



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