Indulgence 12

May 26, 2012 16:07

Title: Indulgence 12
Author: enchanted_jae
Character(s): Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, creature!fic, forced bonding
Word count: 1075
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Birthday gift for hogwartsvixxxen, who asked for more of Indulgence, with a prompt of storm sex.
Summary ( Read more... )

content: top!harry, gift: birthday, content: creature fic, verse: indulgence, rating: nc17, creature: vampire, content: bonding fic

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Comments 31

lordes May 26 2012, 21:12:51 UTC
Wow. This was as disturbing as it was brilliant O_O Fascinating, honestly. Damn woman. WHAT'S NEXT?!


enchanted_jae May 26 2012, 21:15:36 UTC
It is disturbing. I feel naughty for writing it. Heh.


lordes May 26 2012, 21:17:11 UTC
Oh yes you naughty naughty girl *gets out the paddle*

Seriously though, this was totally unexpected. You keep surprising me!


piratesmile331 May 26 2012, 21:51:38 UTC
Well, Draco's in to the hilt (so to speak) now...


enchanted_jae May 27 2012, 00:11:36 UTC
Eeep! *laughs*


mugglegato May 26 2012, 21:59:38 UTC
Damn, I feel naughty for reading it. And enjoying it. ;)


enchanted_jae May 27 2012, 07:33:38 UTC
*makes room in handbasket, destined for hell*


jan_rea May 26 2012, 22:14:27 UTC
I kinda feel bad for Draco, but most part of me is squealing in delight over the fact that Harry succeeded in bonding them together. :D

Also, I've always had such a kink for darker!Harry + possessive!Harry, and this is just hngggggg. <3

I'm an evil, evil person. *hides away*


enchanted_jae May 28 2012, 16:37:34 UTC
You bad, bad person, you!


I think I'm worse; after all, I wrote it. Eeesh.


clionona May 26 2012, 23:57:16 UTC
I know I should feel bad about liking this as much as I did, but... DAMN! I know I should feel bad for Draco, but... DAMN!

Too hot, you kinky little minx, you! RAWR!


enchanted_jae May 31 2012, 02:58:10 UTC
*is all kinky and stuff*

Ha ha! Thanks for reading! I feel like I should give myself a time-out whenever I write something so naughty. *grins*


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