HDHolidays fic 2011: Someone To Share It With

Jan 15, 2012 13:02

Author: enchanted_jae
Recipient: allyouhaveisme
Title: Someone To Share It With
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco, Ron/Hermione
Summary: Harry discovers to be careful what he wishes for.
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warning(s): Implied sex, creature fic
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rating: pg13, fest: hd_holidays, comm: hd_holidays, content: bonding fic, creature: veela, content: hogwarts era, content: eighth year, content: creature fic, content: fest fic, content: xmas

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Comments 19

herumtreiber January 15 2012, 22:40:54 UTC
It was nice that Harry's Christmas wish came true! Loved their fight leading to kissing!


enchanted_jae January 29 2012, 00:19:32 UTC
It may not be how he planned it, but Harry got what he wanted.


clionona January 16 2012, 02:12:04 UTC
Aww! So sweet! Harry just can't help himself from stepping in when someone's in need. ♥!

And poor Hermione having to explain it all. LOL! Awkward! :P


enchanted_jae January 29 2012, 00:38:09 UTC
Harry will ever be rescuing puppies and kittens and Veelas. Ha ha!


lijahlover January 16 2012, 18:20:25 UTC
Talk about one lucky wizard :)

Harry's gift just keeps on giving :)


enchanted_jae January 29 2012, 00:43:00 UTC
Ha ha! That's true!


nimielle January 20 2012, 00:23:19 UTC
I really enjoyed this one, even when it was first posted. Sorry I didn't get around to commenting properly right away.

I like the idea of imprinting by touch and I love that they still have way to go, before they'll be together forever and happy about it. But I think there's definitely potential. :D

Also *grins* McGonagall having to give them private quarters and Draco's fuckload of suitcases!! <3 so much love!


enchanted_jae January 29 2012, 00:45:43 UTC
They're young; they'll have all kinds of time to first like one another, then fall in twu wuv. *grins*


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