Harry's Bossy Blond Bitch of a Bottom!Boyfriend 8

Mar 28, 2011 22:03

Title: Harry's Bossy Blond Bitch of a Bottom!Boyfriend 8
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex
Word count: 825
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit. Author is not responsible for underage readers! Mind the rating and the warning(s).
Author's note: ( Read more... )

content: humor, content: use of toy(s), content: top!harry, verse: bossy blond bottom, gift: birthday, content: established relationship, rating: nc17

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Comments 23

olimakiella March 29 2011, 03:08:34 UTC
Too bad Draco hadn't suggested a gag, too.

It could still be an option.

btw, where on earth would Draco find a vibrating cock ring? And the audacity of him! Adding girth...... Sounds like he need a solid spanking.


enchanted_jae March 29 2011, 22:51:33 UTC
Harry could gag Draco without his consent, but then he'd never hear the end of it.

Draco is just a brat in this verse; no ifs ands or buts about it.



treacle_tartlet March 29 2011, 03:15:38 UTC
I love this 'verse! Hee! I don't hold out much hope for Harry's chanced of getting Draco to wear a gag, though...


enchanted_jae March 30 2011, 02:10:02 UTC
No hope at all. For one thing, Draco would have no concept of why Harry might want to use one. Ha ha!


denise0949 March 29 2011, 03:32:21 UTC
I would say poor Harry but Draco is just being Draco...And Harry is always left satisfied. Even if he has to put up with a lot snark first. Ha! A vibrating sleeve?! Really?!


enchanted_jae April 2 2011, 20:55:49 UTC
Now you know why Harry wishes he could gag Draco just once...


piratesmile331 March 29 2011, 05:28:12 UTC
A gag sounds like a solid option.


enchanted_jae April 5 2011, 01:46:09 UTC
I agree!


nenne March 29 2011, 06:51:13 UTC
A gag sure sounds like a plan. ;)


enchanted_jae April 5 2011, 01:46:24 UTC
If only Harry could convince Draco...


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