Fic: Don't Go

Dec 30, 2005 01:52

Title: Don't Go
Author: enchanted_jae
Pairing: HP/DM
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Slash, angst (yes, angst!)
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: This fic is for deliciantasy, in honor of becoming my 50th friend. I know you enjoy angst, even though you didn't specifically request it, and ( Read more... )

content: established relationship, rating: nc17, gift, content: top!harry, content: angst, content: door sex, subject: fic, content: partially clothed sex

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Comments 66

wearethestars December 30 2005, 08:40:11 UTC You had me at "Don't go." and there are currently tears welled up as I type this from, "I intend to."

Wow! Hot and so sweet and spot on! Thank you for this!!!!!! I'm sorry I can't manage much more of a review... but I'm just so... gah!

(mind if I pimp?)


enchanted_jae December 30 2005, 08:47:34 UTC
Would you believe I actually wibbled over that title? Now I'm glad that's what I went with!

I am pleased you enjoyed it. And I admit to getting a little teary-eyed when I wrote it, dammit!

Please do pimp it! *laughs*


wearethestars December 30 2005, 08:51:33 UTC
It's a perfect title. I have a thing with "leaving" in any sense, (death, moving, etc) and it always gets me in fic. :) I will pimp the heck out of this momentarily.


enchanted_jae December 30 2005, 08:57:24 UTC
...I knew that. Ha ha ha! No, call it blind luck.


why_me_why_not December 30 2005, 08:43:36 UTC
awww! That's utterly sweet & hot at the same time! Brilliant!


enchanted_jae December 30 2005, 08:50:03 UTC
Sweet and hot? I guess that just goes to show I can't write proper angst. *laughs* I'm just too cheerful by nature!

Anyway, I am glad you liked it. Thanks for taking the time to read it!


why_me_why_not December 30 2005, 08:53:31 UTC
lol -- depending on your perspective, it is a bit angsty, but I tend to put a positive spin on things anyways and the hope inspired by Harry's "I intend to" just makes me believe that your Harry & Draco will eventually have that happy ending.


enchanted_jae December 30 2005, 08:59:38 UTC
Yeah, I couldn't do the complete angst. Had to leave it open ended and hopeful. Although I guess being a failure at angst isn't a bad thing. Heh.


annella December 30 2005, 09:38:54 UTC
That was just... that was beautiful. The desperation, the emotion...

I think I'm going to go and have a cry now.


enchanted_jae December 31 2005, 00:33:13 UTC
Thanks for your lovely words! *offers you a tissue*


nicevenn December 30 2005, 10:03:10 UTC

Actually I think there was just enough angst. You could have killed harry... but then half of us would come beat you up....


enchanted_jae December 31 2005, 00:34:06 UTC
He wouldn't dare not come back!


pervy_fairy December 30 2005, 10:18:45 UTC
*sobs with Draco*
Oh Jae, I loved it... So sweet and sad at the same time. I want Harry to come back home, so much. *sigh*
Why is it, that every time I'm done reading one of your stories I have the word 'SEQUEL' echoing inside my head like a mantra?
I really loved this and I really luv you. ♥
*needs a cuddle*


enchanted_jae December 31 2005, 00:35:03 UTC
Poor Draco. Now I feel like such a meanie.

*cuddles you*


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