Writhing Wanton

Nov 10, 2010 15:46

Title: Writhing Wanton
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: ???/Draco
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, exhibitionism, bondage
Word count: 1975
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Written as: Birthday gift for hallowedresin, who asked for more of my Club Coquette verse.
Summary: Draco tries to stay ( Read more... )

content: use of toy(s), verse: club coquette, content: dirty talk, content: outdoor sex, content: public sex, rating: nc17, gift: birthday, content: wall sex, content: bondage, content: partially clothed sex, content: exhibitionism

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Comments 63

treacle_tartlet November 10 2010, 22:48:52 UTC


enchanted_jae November 13 2010, 03:44:52 UTC
*rubs hands together in glee*


siniestramalfoy November 10 2010, 22:55:01 UTC
ung! this is so hot, that i'm totally melted over my laptop...

Draco being jealous FTW!


enchanted_jae November 14 2010, 06:05:22 UTC
Draco is definitely getting in too deep.


tsukiihime November 11 2010, 00:33:00 UTC
oh god that was so hot <3~ would the stranger unveil himself ever?


enchanted_jae November 17 2010, 17:20:56 UTC
I imagine the stranger will need to unmask at some point. But, so will Draco.


(The comment has been removed)

enchanted_jae November 17 2010, 17:21:14 UTC
Thank you! I've been enjoying writing it.


lilyginny27 November 11 2010, 01:20:33 UTC
So hot. Take him home, Stranger, take him home! Gah, I can't wait for these two to have private time so Draco can realize it's really Harry that's been pounding his ass. lol


enchanted_jae November 17 2010, 17:21:42 UTC
Our masked man would love to take Draco home; it's Draco who's dragging his (high) heels.


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