Birthday!gift; AWDT: Small Closets Are So Bourgeois

Aug 26, 2009 22:15

Title: Small Closets Are So Bourgeois
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Word count: 440
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Suggestion
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for stitchesandlace, whose prompt was H/D, moving in together. Also written for the current awdt prompt, which was a list of five words: golf, plaid, stampede, bourgeois, crocodile
Summary: Draco is moving in and taking over.

Harry stumbled out of the Floo and into his living room. He set down his burden so he could wipe the sweat from his forehead with the tail of his Cannons T-shirt. He’d spent most of the morning lugging boxes of Draco’s belongings from Malfoy Manor into his townhouse. Harry had purchased the home in London a few years ago and had been living alone ever since. He had only recently convinced Draco to move in with him.

Harry was knackered. Draco, damn him, was doing nothing more strenuous than packing and unpacking said boxes...with his wand. Blowing the damp fringe from his eyes with a gusty sigh, Harry grabbed the box on top of the pile and trudged up the steps to the bedroom.

Harry crossed the room and pushed the closet door open with his hip, then promptly dropped the box he'd been carrying. "Draco!” he yelled.

“I’m right here,” Draco huffed from behind Harry. “There’s no need to shout. Honestly, Harry, you sound as if you’re summoning a stampede of hippogriffs.”

Harry crossed his arms over his chest and asked, “Why is the closet now larger than the bedroom?”

“Because we need a lot of closet space,” Draco replied. “Besides, small closets are so bourgeois and last year.”

Harry scowled at his boyfriend. “I daresay you enlarged the closet because you feel that you need more closet space.” He had known that asking Draco to move in with him would not be without strife, but Harry hadn’t counted on having his closet magically resized to accommodate Draco’s out-of-control wardrobe.

Draco’s chin jutted out. “I do need plenty of space. After all, there’s my formal clothing, casual clothing, ten pairs of crocodile loafers, three pairs of dragonhide boots, my plaid kilt, my golf shirts-”

“Wait...what?” Harry interjected. “You have a kilt?”


“Why have I never seen you wear it before?” Harry said. His voice was calm, reasonable and not at all whiny.

“Stop your whining,” snorted Draco. “I only wear my kilt for special occasions.”

“Such as?”

Draco looped his arms around Harry’s neck and grinned. “Such as your birthday, perhaps,” he purred.

“What a coincidence!” Harry exclaimed. “Today just happens to be my birthday.” He tried on his cheesiest grin.

Draco’s brow furrowed. “Are you certain? I thought your birthday was in July.”

“I’m quite certain,” Harry nodded. “Now show me that kilt.”

Draco leaned close and nibbled on Harry’s ear. “May I keep the closet?”

Harry shivered at the hot breath in his ear and murmured, “What closet?”

Large Closets Are Great for Shagging

content: humor, gift: birthday, comm: awdt, rating: pg, content: established relationship

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