JMDC gift!fic; AWDT

Jul 15, 2009 00:39

Title: Explorations
Author: enchanted_jae
Pairing: D/H
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, rimming (Characters engaged in sexual activity are of age.)
Word count: 1145
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the rating, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country.
Author's note: This was written as gift for lijahlover for winning May's JMDC drawing. The request was for top!Draco, candles, strawberry-flavored lube, rimming. Also written for the current awdt prompt of "See enclosed instructions."
Summary: Draco has a surprise for Harry, but Harry has to fetch the props.

"And don't forget to pick up some strawberry-flavored lube on your way home."

Draco's last words from that morning echoed in Harry's head as he stepped out of the Ministry and strolled along the pavement. It was some distance to the Muggle adult toy store, but he preferred to walk. Harry usually avoided that store for fear of being recognized and also out of sheer embarrassment. Draco was the one who normally sauntered right in and made all the purchases for their cache of bedroom toys. Today, however, Draco had promised Harry a special treat so long as he fetched Draco's favorite flavor of lubricant.

Ducking into a nearby alley, Harry cast a well-practiced glamour on himself and emerged as a tall, slender ginger bloke. He arrived at the shop and gathered his courage before striding inside. Harry cast a furtive glance about, relieved when he didn't recognize any of the other patrons on his way to the display of lubricants. Harry paused when the bold lettering on a box at eye-level proclaimed:

Anal Explorer

Intrigued despite himself, he picked the box up to see how the apparatus worked. It appeared complicated and unfortunately, the side panel of the box read only, 'See enclosed instructions'. Setting it down with an annoyed huff, Harry went in search of the strawberry lube.


"Did you get my lube?"

"I missed you, too, love," Harry scowled.

Draco swooped Harry up in his arms and snogged him breathless. Setting a dazed Harry away from him, he asked, "Is that better?"

Harry was incapable of anything but a nod in response.

"Excellent," Draco grinned. "Let's have dinner."

"But what about...?" Harry gestured vaguely at the plain brown bag he held.

Draco smirked at him. "That's for dessert."


Harry had no idea what they had for dinner. He went through the motions of eating, but his entire focus was on dessert.

Draco seemed bent on torturing Harry by dragging the meal out, even going so far as to offer Harry an after-dinner drink.

Harry was positively squirming in his seat before Draco declared dinner was done and it was time for dessert. Harry snatched the brown bag and bounded up the steps to their bedroom. Draco had obviously set the scene for seduction. There were lit candles on every flat surface, and their bed had been enlarged to encompass most of the room. The soft strains of a saxophone could be heard playing quietly from the Bose speakers in their headboard, and the bed had been turned down in invitation.

Draco entered the room at a more sedate pace. "I can't believe you're not naked yet," he teased, reaching for the buttons on his shirt.

Harry attacked his own clothing with alacrity. Stepping out of his boxers, he kicked them to the side and jumped on the bed, landing with a whoop and a bounce.

Draco rolled his eyes at his boyfriend's behavior as he carefully draped his last article of clothing over a chair. He deftly caught the tube of flavored lubricant that Harry tossed to him. "Roll over and put a pillow under yourself," Draco instructed. "I want to see that arse in the air."

Harry did as he'd been told, turning onto his stomach and shoving a pillow beneath himself. He couldn't resist rubbing against the soft material. "Ow!" he yelped when a hard swat landed on his bum.

"No frotting," Draco growled. "Or would you like me to put a cock ring on you?"

"Noooooooo," Harry replied immediately, horrified at the thought. He felt Draco's weight settle onto the bed behind him, and Harry had to force himself not to squirm in anticipation. Fingers, cool and slick with lubricant, rubbed over the furled flesh of Harry's entrance. Harry made a soft, contented sound and pressed back against Draco's fingers, wanting them inside of him. Instead, the fingers retreated, and Harry whined in protest. However, when the next touch against his arsehole was Draco's tongue, Harry whined for a very different reason.

Draco hummed in pleasure as he lapped at Harry's most private flesh, enjoying the flavor of strawberries and the very unique flavor that was all Harry. He experimented with licking broad stripes from Harry's perineum all the way to the top of his cleft then swirling his tongue around Harry's fluttering entrance.

"Oh god, Draco, please," Harry begged, torn between pushing back against Draco's warm, wet tongue and frotting his hard cock against the pillow beneath him. "Ungh, fuck!" Harry cried when Draco's clever tongue wriggled inside his hole.

Draco had made a spear of his tongue and plunged it inside Harry's arse. His boyfriend's keening sobs were music to his ears, and he applied himself diligently to his task. Harry's hole was loosening up nicely, and the lubricant and Draco's saliva were leaving Harry slick and ready for sex. Draco didn't stop tunneling into Harry with his tongue until his own cock ached with the need to be buried inside Harry. Withdrawing with one last lick to savor Harry's flavor, Draco palmed his boyfriend's buttocks and spread them, displaying Harry's gleaming hole. Grasping his cock, Draco positioned himself and thrust, driving deep into Harry and drawing passionate cries from both their throats.

Harry clutched the pillow his head rested on, biting it to stifle what he was certain would be embarrassingly loud vocalizations. With his other hand, he reached beneath himself and wrapped his fingers around his stiff cock, squeezing and tugging it in rough, jerky motions as Draco fucked him. In only a few strokes, Harry was arching his back and coming, head flung back now to shout aloud in pleasure.

For Draco, there was nothing more sexy than Harry in the throes of an orgasm. His thrusts increased in speed and force until a final plunge sent him trembling into climax as well. Draco waited until he could breathe normally before backing off to sink to the bed beside his boyfriend. Harry pushed the pillow away from his lower body and turned to his side, smiling at Draco. "Did you enjoy your surprise?" Draco asked him, flicking his thumb over one of Harry's nipples.

"Had I enjoyed it any more, I'm not certain I would have survived," Harry chuckled. "By the way, I have a surprise for you, too."

Draco propped himself up on his elbow. "You do?"

Harry nodded and reached for the brown bag he'd brought home, then handed it to his curious boyfriend.

Draco opened the bag and pulled forth a box, turning it to read the label. "The Anal Explorer?"

Explorations 2

gift: jmdc, comm: awdt, content: established relationship, content: top!draco, rating: nc17, content: rimming

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