Birthday!gift: On the Ground

Jul 04, 2009 17:12

Title: On the Ground
Author: enchanted_jae
Pairing: Harry/Draco, Gryffs and Slyths
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Very strong suggestion
Word count: 490
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for drijfwa, who asked for a sequel to In the Air.
Summary: Speculation runs rampant when Harry and Draco pull a disappearing act.

Once Draco was lying back on the sun-warmed grass, Harry sat up, and Ron sighed in relief. He really did not want to see his best friend having fully-clothed sex with Malfoy. Harry reached into the bag at his side and shook out something filmy and iridescent. Ron's eyes widened in dawning horror an instant before the cloak settled over Harry and his boyfriend, and they disappeared from view.

"They're totally going to do it!" shrieked Millicent from among the group of Slytherins.

"They wouldn't dare," Pansy countered, but her voice sounded doubtful.

Ron gagged. "I'm going to be sick."

Even Hermione seemed concerned. "I do hope Harry uses a condom."

Ron gagged again.

"My galleon is still on frotting," commented Theo Nott. He and Daphne had been wagering on how far Draco and Potter would go. He went to say something else when an audible moan came from the direction of where Potter and Draco had gone under wraps.

"Merlin," gasped Millicent, "they are shagging!"

"Draco would never be so gauche as to have sex out here in front of everyone," Pansy scoffed, still defending her friend's common sense.

"But they aren't visible," argued Millicent. "Perhaps Draco is an exhibitionist at heart."

"Perhaps you should shut your mouth, Millie," fumed Pansy.

Millicent's eyes narrowed on her, but an excited squeal from the direction of the cloak-draped boys snared her attention.

From among the assorted Gryffindors, Lavender gasped. "You don't suppose they're actually...shagging under there, do you?" A blush tinted her cheeks.

There was a choking sound from Ron. His face was as red as his hair, yet managed a green tint all the same.

"Certainly not," Hermione said in response to Lavender's question. "I believe they're simply teasing us. Most likely, Harry and Malfoy are under there making noises while laughing quietly at the rest of us."

On the other side of the invisible couple, Millicent drew her wand.

"What are you doing?" demanded Pansy, staying the other girl's hand.

Millicent scowled at her. "I'm going to Accio Potter's cloak so we can see if they're shagging or not."

"An excellent idea," drawled Theo.

"No, it is not," Pansy hissed. "Perverts," she added. An impassioned wail from the apparently empty space across the lawn had her face turning scarlet.

Ron clamped his hands over his ears and whimpered, "Tell me when it's over."

Hermione scowled and flicked a Muffliato in Harry and Malfoy's direction.

After several moments, the cloak was flung away, and two very ruffled, very satisfied looking boys appeared. Their clothing was in place, if a tad askew, their hair was mussed, and their lips were bruised and swollen.

Theo's expression was pensive. "Now we'll never know who won the wager, Daphne," he told his friend.

"Oi," Millicent giggled, "I think you both owe me a galleon!"

Under the Cloak

gift: birthday, rating: pg13, content: established relationship, content: hogwarts era

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