Birthday!fic; Pony!Draco arc

May 18, 2009 22:08

Title: Back to Nature Pony!Draco verse 7
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: R
Warning(s): Sex and slash (characters engaged in sexual activity are of age)
Word count: 505
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This was written for fun, not for profit.
Additional disclaimer: Author is not responsible for underage readers. Mind the rating and the warning(s).
Author's note: Written as a birthday gift for felaine, who asked for pony!Draco.
Summary: Harry recognizes the twitchy signs.

Harry steadied Draco's hips as he stroked into him from behind. He was maintaining a leisurely pace in spite of Draco's best efforts to hurry things along.

"Harry," Draco gritted, giving another small buck.

Harry grinned to himself. Oh yes, his boyfriend knew how to buck. Harry held back as long as he could until Draco's demands, both verbal and nonverbal, prompted him to thrust harder and more quickly, driving them both to the edge. Draco climaxed with a shout, and Harry followed soon after, emptying himself into his boyfriend's clenching heat.


Draco had been twitchy for the past few days, and Harry recognized the signs. Draco wanted to run, but they didn't have enough acreage for his boyfriend to really get out and kick up his heels. It was time for a trip to Hogwarts. Harry stood at the kitchen sink, an amused smile on his face as he watched Draco through the window. His boyfriend had shifted to pony form and was currently rolling in the grass at the edge of their garden. Draco was on his back, all four legs flailing in the air. He toppled to his side then repeated the process, rolling over completely before he clambered to his feet and shook himself. Harry stepped outside and gave a shrill whistle.

Draco's head snapped around, and he laid his ears back and snorted. Harry chuckled. His boyfriend had told him often enough, 'I am not a dog, Potter.' However, he had never provided an acceptable alternative to being summoned than by a whistle. Draco trotted up to Harry, content for the moment to remain in pony form.

"How does a visit to Hogwarts sound?" Harry asked him.


They had Apparated to Hogsmeade and made the trek on foot to the gates of Hogwarts. Harry had refused to allow Draco to transform, knowing he'd never be able to keep up with his boyfriend should Draco have twice as many legs as Harry did. Draco was fairly dancing in anticipation, so as soon they opened the gates to Hogwarts' grounds, Harry laughed and said, "Be off with you, then." He watched as Draco's dappled rump raced away from him. Draco loved to run, and Harry delighted in watching him. Draco's white tail streamed out behind him, and he moved with a speed and grace belied by his stocky, equine body. Best of all, after romping in his pony form, Draco was always eager for a good shag.


Harry gripped Draco's hips firmly as his boyfriend crouched in front of him. He delighted in the little shudders of ecstasy that wracked Draco's frame. They were nude in a meadow, getting back to nature in the most basic manner.

"More," Draco demanded, and Harry obliged him, pumping vigorously. As much as he adored Draco in his pony form, this is how Harry loved to ride his boyfriend.

Crack the Whip

content: animagus, content: top!harry, gift: birthday, content: outdoor sex, content: established relationship, rating: r, verse: pony!draco

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