Jae's Monthly Drabble Challenge #20

Oct 07, 2007 23:20

The first full weekend in October brings a new Monthly Drabble Challenge. This month's prompt is "I can do something truly disgusting with my tongue." (Courtesy of Dan Radcliffe's interview on the Ellen DeGeneres Show!) You may use it anywhere in your drabble/fic, and it doesn't matter whether Harry or Draco says it.

Please post your entry in your own journal, or a community of your choice, and leave me a link in comments below. Longer fics and artwork are always welcome. You have until Sunday, October 21, at 11:00pm CST to submit an entry. At that time, I'll post links to the responses and draw a name from among those participating to receive a drabble from me. Following is my own entry:

Title: Ask Harry
Pairing: H/D
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Suggestion
Word count: 330
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: My entry to October's Monthly Drabble Challenge, with the prompt of "I can do something truly disgusting with my tongue."
Summary: Harry insisted on dragging Draco to the party, and now he has cause to regret it.

Harry was beginning to regret insisting that Draco accompany him to the Gryffindor class reunion. Only the fact that Blaise would be there with Seamus finally convinced Draco to go along. He'd begun the evening with a sneer on his face and a cool demeanor, but once he began drinking the spiked punch, Draco had loosened up, much to Harry's chagrin. He was trying to enjoy the festivities, which was difficult when he was also valiantly trying to keep an eye on Draco to be sure he didn't get into any trouble.

Draco was currently seated in a loose circle of Gryffindors, plus Blaise. Someone had initiated a game of Truth or Dare. Draco found it quite boring. Gryffindors were so pathetic at this game, asking such inane questions as "Who was the first person you kissed?" and "Did you ever cheat on an exam?". So it was that when Longbottom's turn came and he chose Draco, Draco had no qualms about selecting Truth.

"Do you have any hidden talents?" Neville asked him.

Draco gave him a sly grin, unaware that it was a tad lopsided. He was also unaware that Harry had just walked up behind him. Saying the first thing that came to his mind, Draco replied, "I can do something truly disgusting with my tongue."

"Draco!" Harry squeaked in dismay. "Shush!"

"So, what is this disgusting talent?" Seamus asked, leaning forward in interest.

"Yeah," clamored another voice. "We want to see a demonstration!"

There was a chorus of agreement, which Harry halted by saying in a stern voice, "There will be no demonstration, because I'm taking my shamefully inebriated boyfriend home now." He then tugged Draco to his feet, steadying him before guiding him to the door.

"What can you do with your tongue?" Blaise hollered after them, still eaten up with curiosity.

As Draco was pushed quickly out the door, his voice carried back, "You'll have to ask Harry!"

subject: drabble, challenge: jmdc

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