Jae's Monthly Drabble Challenge #19

Sep 02, 2007 00:41

Here it is--the first full weekend in September. That means it's time for my Monthly Drabble Challenge. This month's prompt is "I'm the one your mother warned you about, Malfoy." You may use it anywhere in your drabble/fic.

Please post your entry in your own journal, or a community of your choice, and leave me a link in comments below. Longer fics and artwork are always welcome. You have until Sunday, September 16, at 11:00pm CST to submit an entry. In two weeks, I'll post links to the responses and draw a name from among those participating to receive a drabble from me. Following is my own drabble:

Title: What's Keeping You
Pairing: H/D
Rating: PG13
Warning(s): Boy!snogging
Word count: 155
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
Author's note: My entry to September's Monthly Drabble Challenge, with the prompt of "I'm the one your mother warned you about, Malfoy."
Summary: Draco is being thwarted in his mission.

Draco couldn't breathe, and it was Harry Potter's fault. The insufferable git had his mouth clamped over Draco's, stealing his breath, his ability to reason, and his will. He was getting weak in the knees, and his wand slipped unnoticed from his hand as he suddenly found himself grasping the front of Potter's robes in both hands.

When Potter finally raised his head, Draco dragged in a grateful gasp of breath. Potter's mouth had left his and was now trailing hot kisses across his throat, which really wasn't conducive to Draco regaining his ability to stand upright.

"P-Potter," stammered Draco, "you're going to make me late, and Mother will h-hex me if I miss another board meeting..."

Potter nipped his lover's neck sharply in reprimand and growled, "She'll know what's keeping you. After all, I'm the one your mother warned you about, Malfoy."

subject: drabble, challenge: jmdc, rating: pg13

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