AWDT: Night after night

Apr 21, 2007 14:13

Title: Shagging Like Rabbits (Animal arc, part 20/26)
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: H/D
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, slash, smut (All characters are over the age of 18)
Word count: 1518
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER: This author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the rating, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country.
Author's note: Written for this week's AWDT, with the prompt of Night after night This follows The Catbird Seat.
Summary: Draco only lasts two nights before giving in.

The night of his ground-breaking discussion with Harry, Draco returned to his own bed to sleep. He was pleasantly exhausted from the sex they'd engaged in earlier, and he ended up sleeping much later into the morning than was normal for him. Maeve cheerfully served him brunch instead of breakfast, and as the housekeeper bustled about, she beamed at Draco even more than usual, which led him to the uncomfortable suspicion that she knew exactly why he had missed last night's dinner and followed it up by sleeping in late.

Draco was incredibly embarrassed, but Maeve seemed to be taking things in stride, and she certainly didn't appear shocked or disgusted by this recent turn of events. Draco ate in relative silence before thanking Maeve and heading outside to visit Copper in the stable. Burt's stall was empty, so Harry must have taken the bay for a ride. Draco grabbed a curry comb and led the palomino mare into the paddock, where he proceeded to brush her coat until she gleamed golden in the sunshine.

Draco didn't see Harry until lunchtime. Although he wasn't terribly hungry, he joined the rest of the household in the kitchen and helped himself to some of Maeve's excellent fare. Each time Draco chanced a glance at Harry through the meal, he found the other's heated gaze on him. It was making him hard, and Draco squirmed uncomfortably. Harry didn't press matters, however, and after lunch, he left with Stuart to attend to some issues with the estate. Draco selected a book from the library and spent the remainder of the day reading.

After dinner that evening, Draco went to bed early, mainly to escape the looks of longing that Harry had been casting his way. He was determined to call the shots within the new dynamic of their relationship, and falling immediately into bed with Harry didn't fit in with his plans. As he tossed and turned in an effort to fall asleep, Draco assured himself that asserting his independence was a good thing.

The next day passed in a similar fashion, although Draco was up early enough to have breakfast with the others. He took Copper for a ride, and Harry caught up to him later on Burt. Other than a few flirtatious remarks, Harry kept the conversation neutral as they guided their horses along a well-worn path.

Once dinner was finished, Draco returned to the library and deliberately chose what looked to be a boring book on Muggle gardening techniques. He was hoping it would help him sleep. In the end, a wank was required before Draco was sufficiently relaxed enough for sleep to come.

The following day was more of the same, minus the horseback ride. However, Harry added a new wrinkle by rebuilding a section of the paddock fence after lunch. He had removed his shirt while he worked, and Draco was all but melded to the glass as he watched out the window of the dining room. Harry's muscles flexed and gleamed in the sunlight, and Draco had a sudden, overwhelming yearning to be spread beneath Harry's powerful body. Tonight, he thought to himself. If I can wait that long.


Harry was dressed once more in his tumbling penguin pyjamas and contemplating the meager satisfaction to be found in a wank when a soft knock sounded at his door. His body thrumming with eager anticipation, he hurried to the door to answer it. Draco stood there, looking charmingly uncertain, and Harry took the initiative by winding his arms around the blond's waist and reeling him in for a hot, welcoming snog. When he lifted his head for air, Harry grumbled, "Finally."

Draco scowled at him, but the effect was lost due to the fact that he was currently rubbing against Harry in blatant sexual interest. "I thought you understood I won't be warming your bed night after night," he reminded Harry.

Harry fought down his surge of irritation at the concession he'd been forced to make, and instead, he lowered his hands to Draco's hips and pulled his lover emphatically against the bulge at his groin. Draco moaned and widened his legs, bracketing Harry's erection and frotting his own hardness there. Harry gripped his lover's hips tighter and all but growled, "Since you made me wait for two whole nights, I'm not going to be slow and patient with you tonight, Draco."

Draco's head lolled back with a whimper, and he made no protest when Harry tugged at the tie holding his robe together. The soft garment fell open, revealing that Draco was wearing nothing beneath it. Harry groaned at the sight and crushed the blond to himself, attacking Draco's lips with hungry nips and kisses before turning them and all but tossing his lover onto the bed.

After fantasizing about Harry all day, Draco, too, was impatient. "Take off those ridiculous pyjamas and shag me already," he demanded.

"You could have come sooner," Harry groused as he yanked his pyjama top over his head.

"I'm going to come without you if you don't hurry up," Draco warned, one hand already stroking himself.

Harry made a garbled sound of protest and pushed his pyjama bottoms down, stepping out of them quickly before he joined his lover on the bed. He snagged a jar of lube off his nightstand, grateful that he wouldn't be using it to wank tonight, and used its contents to prepare his cock. Draco's long legs parted in welcome, and Harry dropped between them with a soft hum of appreciation. "Not sure I can wait..." he growled in warning, already cupping Draco's arse and tilting the blond's hips into position.

"I can't, either," Draco gasped, winding a leg around the back of Harry's thighs and urging him forward. He froze in breathless anticipation at the first nudge of Harry's blunt cock against his entrance. Draco bit his lip against the sting of intrusion when he was breached, thankful that Harry was easing into him.

Harry paused halfway in to allow Draco to adjust. "You're so fucking tight," he groaned. He was tempted to surge forward and bury himself to the hilt, but he didn't want to cause his lover any unnecessary discomfort. Instead, Harry leaned down and nuzzled and nipped at Draco's throat until he felt the other give a tentative, upward thrust of his hips. Harry gratefully pressed the rest of the way in, moaning at the tight grip of Draco's sheath around his cock.

Draco's eyes fluttered at the pleasurable burn of penetration. He was stretched wide around Harry's cock, and it was wonderful. He brought his hands to his lover's back, and as Harry began to move on him and in him, Draco clutched at the flexing muscles under his fingertips, remembering the sight of those same muscles rippling in the sunshine earlier that day. Now that all that raw power was focused between his legs, Draco reveled in it, rising to meet each forceful thrust and keening softly in pleasure.

Harry had established a steady tempo, trying to stave off his impending orgasm as he labored to bring Draco to completion. He knew he was succeeding when Draco's whimpers turned into soft, panting ah ah ahs in concert with each stroke. Harry wasn't satisfied with that, however. He wanted Draco screaming the walls down in pleasure, and to that end, Harry thrust harder and faster, angling his cock to pound the blond's prostate.

Draco's passionate cries grew louder until his voice stopped altogether in that magical moment when he teetered on the brink of climax. One more hard thrust from Harry sent him careening over the edge with a wild scream of ecstasy.

Harry continued driving into Draco as his partner's channel squeezed his cock rhythmically throughout his climax. Just as Draco was relaxing and slumping back to the bed, Harry's own orgasm exploded in hot jets of pleasure that spurted deep inside of Draco.

When he was through, Harry held himself above his lover on trembling arms and dipped his head to give the blond a lingering kiss. Draco responded warmly, but when Harry paused for a breath, Draco pushed half-heartedly at his shoulder and complained, "Too hot."

"Mmm," Harry mumbled in assent, as he gently withdrew and rolled away.

Draco sat up slowly, suppressing a small shiver at the resulting trickle of wetness from between his arse cheeks. He leaned over and pressed a fleeting kiss to Harry's jaw before rising from the bed and retrieving his robe from the floor. He shrugged into it and crossed the room, pausing at the door to look back at his lover, who was watching him intently. "Harry, I...I'll see you in the morning, yeah?" he finished.

"Yeah," Harry said to the closing door, sighing his disappointment in the empty room.


Creatures of Habit

content: top!harry, comm: awdt, rating: nc17, verse: animal arc

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