Good to be Alive

Aug 10, 2024 20:40

Title: Good to be Alive
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters/Pairing: Dee/Ryo
Rating: PG13
Word count: 415
Written for:
dove_drabbles Prompt No. 130 - Say yes
ficlet_zone Prompt No. 77 - The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band songs. I chose: Bang Bang Bang, Crossfire, Easy Slow, Get Back, Good to be Alive, Hey Good Lookin', Whoa Babe.
Warnings: Shootout, suggestion
Summary: Not even an injury can keep Dee's mind out of the gutter.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of Sanami Matoh, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.

Police work was dangerous. Some times, no matter how careful they were nor how much they'd planned, officers still ended up in the crossfire.

Bang Bang Bang

Ryo ducked behind a dumpster. "Get back!" he shouted at his partner before popping up to return fire. In his peripheral vision, Ryo saw Dee's body jerk, and his partner disappeared from sight.

"Dee!" cried Ryo. He couldn't break cover and check on his partner, no matter how much he wanted to. Out of ammo, he dropped down and reloaded, risking a quick glance in Dee's direction. All he could see were his partner's feet, visible behind several dented, rusty trash cans. Ryo heard a muffled groan and some of the tension left his body. Dee was alive; there was hope.

Ryo's radio crackled to life--other officers in the vicinity checking in and coordinating. The hail of bullets in Ryo's direction had ceased for now. He darted from cover and made it to Dee's side.

"Wha' the hell hit me?" groaned Dee, struggling to sit up.

"Easy, slow," murmured Ryo. He keyed his radio and called for an ambulance. "Where are you hit, Dee?" he asked, running his hands gently over his partner's body as Dee relaxed back onto the pavement.

"Whoa, babe, this ain't the time or place." Despite the lighthearted quip, Dee's face was pale and tight with pain.

"Dee, where are you hit?"

"Good shot," Dee mumbled. "Center mass. God bless Kevlar."

Ryo nearly sagged in relief.

"Hit my head when I fell," said Dee. "I think. It hurts to think."

It was then that Ryo noticed blood pooling on the pavement beneath Dee's head. He shrugged out of his jacket, wadded it up, and slipped it under Dee's head to staunch the bleeding and provide cushioning.

Dee's eyes had drifted shut. He opened them again and gave Ryo a lopsided smile. "Hey, good lookin'."

"Save your breath, Romeo. Help is on the way."



"It's good to be alive," said Dee, closing his eyes once more. "Jus' wish it didn't hurt so bad." His eyes popped open. "You okay?"

"Other than nearly having a heart attack when you went down, I'm fine," replied Ryo.

"I'll go down for you any time, babe."

"Oh my god, Dee, shut it."

"Later t'night," Dee rambled on. "You an' me. Just say yes."

"MacLean!" someone called from the mouth of the alley. "You back there?!"


"Heh," Dee smirked. "Knew ya couldn't resist."

"Oh my god, Dee, shut it."

comm: ficlet_zone, rating: pg13, comm: dove_drabbles, fandom: fake

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