Gains 578

May 01, 2024 20:22

Title: Gains 578
Author: enchanted_jae
Team: Aurors
Character(s): Draco, Harry, ocs
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Word count: 100
Written for: dracoharry100 Prompt No. 798 - sharp
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Summary: Time for tea

Potter changed both babies before helping Draco downstairs with Livvie, all while he cradled AJ in one arm.

"It's almost time for tea," said Potter. "Shall we be casual in the kitchen?"

"So long as you keep any and all sharp objects out of AJ's reach," Draco replied with a tired smile.

Potter settled AJ in his high chair, while Draco took a seat at the table with Livvie in his arms. Potter put the kettle on, placed Livvie in a carrycot, and set a tin of biscuits on the table. He glanced at Draco. "Your mum left some sandwiches."

Gains 579

comm: dracoharry100, rating: pg, verse: gains, content: kid(s), length: 100 word drabble

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