Title: Gains 576
enchanted_jaeTeam: Aurors
Character(s): Draco, Harry, ocs
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Word count: 100
Written for:
dracoharry100 Prompt No. 796 - karma
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Summary: When AJ Met Livvie
Livvie started to fuss in her cot, and Potter appeared conflicted.
"Bring her here so AJ can meet his sister," said Draco. Potter bent over the cot and lifted Livvie, carefully cradling her head. He brought her over and held her for AJ to see.
"Look," he murmured. "It's your baby sister."
AJ stared at her a moment then reached out and poked her in the eye. Draco and Potter gasped as one. Livvie's face scrunched up, but she didn't cry.
"That was rude," Potter scolded AJ. "You'd best hope karma doesn't come around and poke you in the eye."
This episode brought to you by the initial meeting between my (then) baby brother and our (then) toddler cousin, Vern. She took one look at the baby and poked him in the eye!
Gains 577