The First Day of Christmas

Dec 01, 2023 21:56

Banner by the delightful

Title: The First Day of Christmas
Author: enchanted_jae
Character(s): Harry/Draco, Minerva, ocs
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Word count: 885
Summary: The annual Potter-Malfoy family photo is at Hogwarts this year.
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
♦ Jae's Advent Drabbles No. 1 - family photo for lijahlover
dracoharry100 Christmas Challenge 2023 No. 1 - Working for the Holidays
newyearcntdown New Year's Countdown Challenge, Day 1 - family photo
slythindor100 Traditional Prompt No. 1 - snowy street
adventdrabbles Prompt No. 1 - Santa cookie

"Jasmin, come get your coat on," said Harry. "We're going to visit Daddy at his shop then go see Carolyn at Hogwarts."

"We go see Caro today?!" squealed Jasmin, rushing to Harry and throwing her arms around his legs.

Harry smiled and smoothed her blonde curls. "Carolyn will take one look at you and say you've grown a foot."

Jasmin stepped back and looked down at her feet. "No I didn't, Daddy."

"Can Barney come too, Dad?" asked Ben.

"No, son," Harry replied. "Only students' familiars are allowed in the castle."

Ben sighed in disappointment, but he went to get his own coat on.


"Wow, Dad, there's snow here!" cried Ben.

Harry looked around at the dusting of snow on the streets and roofs of Hogsmeade. The village always seemed to get snow earlier than anywhere else. Too bad there wasn't enough to muster a good snowball fight with his husband. Harry discreetly adjusted himself and led his charges into Draco's potion shop. It was decorated for the season with greenery from Neville's shop, and the Rainbow Tree held court in one corner of the shop. Draco's Pink Tree was at home in the front parlor this year.

Josh greeted them as soon as they crossed the threshold.

"Working for the holidays again, I see," Harry teased him. "I keep telling Draco to close shop during December."

Draco emerged from the back room, where he did most of his brewing. "Are we ready?" he asked.

"Minerva is expecting us and has opened the Floo in her office," said Harry. He checked that his camera was safe in his pocket. Since the Headmistress was being quite generous in allowing the Potter-Malfoys to take their annual family photo at Hogwarts, Harry hadn't wanted to complicate things by dragging Ashton along with them.

Harry took Jasmin's hand and led her to the Floo in Draco's shop. He stepped in, tossed down a small handful of powder, and called out their destination. They emerged in Minerva's office at Hogwarts. Harry scooped up Jasmin, who was all agog, and stepped forward, making room for Draco and Ben. His husband and son appeared a moment later.

Minerva came forward to greet them. "Harry, Draco, how nice to see you again."

"Minerva, you're looking well," said Harry. "The Weasley contingent hasn't driven you mad yet?"

"Not for lack of trying," she said. Her mouth was pinched, but her eyes twinkled above her half-glasses.

"This is our son, Benjamin, and our daughter, Jasmin," Draco said by way of introductions. "We trust Carolyn has been on her best behavior?"

"She has been an asset to her House," Minerva replied. "Hufflepuff is fortunate to have her."

Harry had to give Draco credit; he didn't even twitch.

There came a knock at the heavy wooden door. It opened at a small gesture from Minerva, and Carolyn rushed in. "Dad! Dad!" she cried, flinging herself at Harry and Draco.

"Hi, Carolyn," Ben grinned, reaching in to hug her.

Jasmin burst into tears. "Caro," she sobbed, falling into Carolyn's arms.

Carolyn teared up and sniffled, too. "Look how big you're getting, Jas!" she exclaimed. "Why, you've grown another foot."

Harry's subsequent laugh was a bit choked. He'd missed his eldest fiercely.

"Enough of the tears," chided Draco, subtly elbowing Harry in the ribs. "Why, everyone will look at our photo and think we're the glummest family in all of England and Scotland!"

Harry produced tissues, and tears were blotted and noses wiped. "Okay," he said, "we need to take care of our picture and get out of the Headmistress' hair. She's a busy woman. Minerva, may I sit at your desk and put my feet up?"

"Not unless you want detention again, Mr Potter-Malfoy."

Carolyn's eyes widened. "You got detention, Dad?"

Harry sheepishly ducked his head. "Oh, ahem, maybe once or twice."

"Why don't we stand in front of the hearth?" Draco suggested.

In moments, everyone was posed. Carolyn stood between her brother and sister, holding their hands. She looked so grown-up in her school uniform with the Hufflepuff crest. Harry and Draco stood behind their children, each of them with a hand on Carolyn's shoulders. Minerva wielded Harry's camera and took several shots.

Harry was impressed with the results. "Huh. I see you could have a career as a photographer when this all becomes too much for you."

"Thank you, Harry. I shall keep that in mind."

"We should be going," said Draco. "We've taken up far too much of your time, and we do appreciate your generosity in letting us come here."

"If you think you are leaving without tea and biscuits, you have another think coming, Mr Potter-Malfoy," said Minerva.

As if on cue, one of the house-elves appeared with a tray of biscuits, each of them decorated to look like Santa Claus. Minerva produced tea with a snap of her fingers, and the family sat down to enjoy their treat. While Harry and Draco visited with the Headmistress, Harry had one eye on his children. Jasmin was sitting on Carolyn's lap, and even Ben was pressed close to her. They'd missed her, which made Harry happy and sad in equal measure.

He shook himself out of his doldrums. Carolyn would be home in time for Christmas, and they would make it the best Christmas ever.

Knocked Me Right Off My Feet

challenge: jae's advent, comm: newyearcntdown, content: established relationship, content: pet(s), rating: pg, comm: adventdrabbles, content: kid(s), challenge: dh100 special challenge, challenge: slyth hols, verse: yuletide

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