AWDT: Was it a dream?

Mar 03, 2007 05:50

Title: Doggy Style (Animal arc 18/26)
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: H/D
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Explicit sex, slash, smut (All characters are over the age of 18)
Word count: 1135
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This drabble/fic was written for fun, not for profit.
ADDITIONAL DISCLAIMER: This author is not responsible for underage readers. Please observe the rating, warnings, and age of legal consent for your country.
Author's note: Written for this week's AWDT, with the prompt of Was it a dream? This worked into my "Animal arc", and it follows Wise Old Owl.
Additional author's note: I can't believe I stooped to using "Doggy Style" for a title, but I'm running out of animal-related phrases and expressions. Feel free to make some suggestions in comments.
Summary: Draco is feeling generous enough to consent to another round of sex.

Draco woke from a light doze, feeling pleasantly lethargic and unwilling to move. Dreaming about fantastic sex always did that to him. It had seemed so incredibly real, however...was it a dream? He twitched experimentally, cringing as he realized he was pinned in place by heavy weights across his waist and legs. The memories came rushing back. Oh, yes...he'd had sex with Potter again. Draco thought about it a moment, then decided he really wasn't that upset about the situation. He'd been too randy for too long, and a hot shag was just what he'd needed. The question now was, did he retreat back behind the battle line he'd drawn, or did he accept Harry back into his bed and into his life? The sex was the easy part. Forgiving his lover for what had transpired between them would be more difficult. He sighed as he mulled it over.

"Are you awake?" came Harry's gravelly voice from behind him.

"Yes," Draco answered quietly.

Harry was silent and still for so long that Draco began to wonder if he'd fallen asleep. Finally, however, he said, "I didn't mean for this to happen. I wanted to give you some space."

So that's why Harry hadn't been actively pursuing him. It was almost...touching. Smiling to himself, Draco replied to his lover's remark, saying, "That's okay. I needed it, too." The limbs about him tightened in a quick hug.

Nibbling teasingly at Draco's nape, Harry husked, "Are you in need at the moment?" Draco's breath caught, but before he could answer, Harry slid his hand down, between the blond's legs, to determine for himself how needy his lover was. Draco's cock was stirring but not fully erect yet. Harry remedied that with a few expert strokes, resulting in Draco thrusting himself into his hand with a whimpering sigh.



"I need you...inside of me."

"Roll over, love," Harry purred, encouraging Draco to lie on his stomach. He rose above his lover and then dipped down to string a trail of kisses the length of Draco's spine. The blond squirmed and wriggled beneath him, anxious for more intimate contact. Harry relented, leaning over the edge of the bed to retrieve the tube he'd tossed there earlier. Squeezing some lube in his palm, he fisted his cock, stroking the substance over himself as he prepared to take Draco from behind. It hadn't been that long since they had shagged, so he knew he could get by without stretching his lover. Satisfied with his preparations, Harry nudged Draco up on his knees so that the blond's arse was raised invitingly. He took advantage of Draco's position, spreading the blond's cheeks and pressing his cock against the opening of his body. With a subtle movement of his hips, he slid into the snug heat, groaning at the sight of his cock sinking into his lover.

Draco gasped as Harry's thick cock penetrated him, and he spread his knees wider to maintain his balance. He turned his head and felt his own cock surge at the image of Harry biting his bottom lip in pleasure.

Once Harry was fully seated, he took a moment to knead the small of Draco's back before moving his hands to his lover's hips and stroking him there with his fingertips. Draco's hum of approval soon turned to a sound of mild irritation, and he pushed his arse back in a demand for more. Harry complied, drawing back and then driving forward once again, plunging his cock into Draco's slick hole over and over. Harry reached beneath Draco and grasped the blond's cock, eliciting a soft mewl of delight from him.

Their coupling lasted longer this time, their bodies rocking together on the bed. The room was filled with the noise of ragged pants and lusty moans, the rhythmic squeak of the bed springs, and the moist sound of their joining. Draco was beginning to emit those soft aah aah aahs that signaled he was close to completion, and Harry increased the tempo, his flesh slapping sharply against Draco's backside as he fucked him. At the same time, Harry tugged his lover's cock harder, twisting his wrist and giving him a squeeze each time he reached the base.

Draco levered himself up on his hands and arched his back to take more of Harry's pounding. Harry had always known just how to hit his sweet spot from behind like this, and Draco felt a telltale tingling spread across his lower back. A particularly hard thrust that banged his prostate caused his breath to stop as his climax rolled up on him.

Harry heard Draco catch his breath, and he grinned in feral glee, anticipating what would happen next. Dracos' body seized Harry's cock in a vise-like grip, and his scream of pleasure pealed forth to echo throughout the room. Harry rode it out, stabbing his cock into Draco repeatedly while the blond writhed beneath him and clenched around him in the throes of his orgasm.

Draco finally collapsed onto his forearms again and pushed Harry's hand away from his over-sensitized cock. He felt his lover grip his hips tightly, and he crouched there, panting, while Harry sought his own pleasure. A moment later, Harry grunted in completion and spurted deep inside of him, filling him with his release. He then slumped limply over Draco's back until Draco squirmed in protest. Harry sighed and pulled out of him carefully, followed by a dribble of fluid. As soon as he was able, Draco rolled out of bed to stand on shaky legs. "I...I'm going to get cleaned up," he muttered, wobbling in the direction of the bathroom.

Harry let him go, half annoyed, half amused. He wished Draco would stay and curl into him, but he knew the fastidious blond disliked remaining sweaty and sticky from sex. Frankly, Harry was amazed that Draco had dozed off after their first bout instead of scrambling for the bathroom then. Shaking his head at his lover's quirkiness, he rose from the bed and wrapped himself in a blanket for modesty's sake before padding across the hall to use his own bathroom. As he stepped into his shower, Harry thought about what had transpired that evening. He had meant to allow Draco to come to him, but the encounter hadn't ended badly; in fact, it had gone swimmingly. Now it remained to be seen if this represented a step forward in repairing their relationship, or if Draco wished to retreat to a safe distance once more. Only time would tell.


The Catbird Seat

content: top!harry, comm: awdt, rating: nc17, verse: animal arc

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