Dragon Brew 72

May 21, 2023 16:46

Title: Dragon Brew 72
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry, ofc
Rating: PG
Warning(s): None
Word count: 330
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
hp_coffeehouse Prompt No. 72 - Spoon and coffee beans
Summary: Harry makes an impulse buy.

Harry left the Ministry in a good mood. He'd conquered his mountain of paperwork and he had successfully retrieved his favorite quill from his thieving friend. He hadn't even needed to hex Ron; all Harry had to do was pay a ransom with a chocolate bar.

Harry reckoned he deserved a reward, and he knew just where to get it.


Harry stepped inside Dragon Brew wondering if Malfoy was still there. Bethany was waiting on a couple at the counter, and he could hear Lynsey singing to herself in the back. Harry passed the time by looking at Malfoy's merchandise. Were there fewer I ♥ Harry Potter aprons? As Harry stepped closer to look, a rack of spoons caught his eye. They had silly messages inscribed on them, such as I love you a latte and How've you bean?.

When it was his turn to order, Harry stepped up and asked Bethany, "Is the dragon himself in?"

"No, sir," she replied. "He left early to attend the ballet with his mum. May I get you something, Auror Potter?"

Harry ordered a Long Black and a fairy cake to go before inquiring, "Did Mr Malfoy take one of those bean spoons for himself?"

"The shipment only arrived half an hour ago," Bethany said over her shoulder. "Lynsey put them out. Mr Malfoy hasn't even seen them yet."

As she selected a fairy cake for him, Harry impulsively added one of the How've you bean? spoons to his purchases. He paid Bethany, dropped his change in Luna's donation jar, and left the coffee shop. Harry wended his way along Diagon Alley until he arrived at the menagerie. There, he arranged for the spoon to be wrapped, jotted a quick note to go with it, and paid for an owl to deliver the small package to Malfoy.

Whistling to himself, Harry headed for the nearest Apparation point. He had a date with Panini, a bag of crisps, and a fairy cake.

Dragon Brew 73

content: humor, verse: dragon brew, rating: pg, profession: auror(s), comm: hp_coffeehouse

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