Title: Blank Space 65
enchanted_jaeCharacters: Draco/Harry
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Mpreg, flangst
Word count: 365
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
hogwarts365 Prompt No. 342 - kitchen
hp_bunintheoven June prompt - "There is a human growing inside me! Of course I'm not alright!"
Summary: Harry is feeling overwhelmed.
After a lovely snooze, Draco was now quite peckish. He headed to the kitchen where he found Harry, who was alternately sniffling and shoveling ice cream into his gob.
Draco halted. "Are you alright?"
"There is a human growing inside me!" snarled Harry. "Of course I'm not alright!"
"Shut up and get out."
"I'm hungry," Draco whined.
Harry shoved the carton of ice cream in his direction, swiped at his nose, and continued eating.
Draco hadn't been in the mood for ice cream, but it did seem like a good idea. It would also enable him to connect with Harry and discover what had him in such a state. Draco sat down, dished himself up some of the frozen treat, and took a bite. He hummed in pleasure then looked at Harry. "What has you upset?" he asked. "If it's something I've said or done, let me know."
Harry shrugged and mumbled something under his breath.
"Sorry?" Draco prompted.
Harry sighed and then let it all out. "I had a craving for ice cream and as I was dishing it up it just seemed to hit me all at once that I'm up the duff and so are you and we're married and going to be fathers and have a family and what the bloody hell do we know about raising children and what if I mess up and is it going to hurt?"
Draco had paused with a spoonful of ice cream halfway to his mouth. While he gaped in dismay, the ice cream slid from the spoon and plopped onto the table. He didn't even know where to begin addressing Harry's verbal vomit. He decided to work his way backwards.
"What are you worried is going to hurt?"
"Giving birth!" cried Harry.
Draco's shoulders relaxed. This was something he could fix. "We're blokes, Harry," he said. "When it's time, we'll go to St Mungo's, and an experienced Healer will make an incision and remove the baby that way."
"Oh," said Harry. "But, won't that hurt?"
"Not with the potions and spells," Draco replied.
Harry appeared visibly relieved. "How do you know so much about this?"
"Simple," said Draco. "I researched the subject."
Blank Space 66