Title: Blank Space 42
enchanted_jaeCharacters: Draco/Harry
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Mpreg
Word count: 365
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
hogwarts365 Prompt No. 282 - expressive
Summary: Nursery wars
"We need to have more pastel colors in here," said Draco.
Harry turned to him and frowned. "There's no law that states a nursery must be decorated in pastel colors," he countered.
Draco's jaw tightened. "Yes, there is," he insisted.
Harry's eyes widened, and then he laughed. "No, there isn't," he said. "You're making that up."
A smile quivered on Draco's lips, but he was determined to get his way. "Have you ever seen a nursery that wasn't decorated in soft, baby-friendly colors?"
"Well, no..."
"See?!" crowed Draco. "Nurseries need pastels and lots of plush toys, and...and joyous murals on the walls -- expressive artwork that will engage a baby's mind and develop his or her sense of curiosity."
Harry stared at him. "You've been reading those baby books that Hermione gave us, haven't you?"
Draco felt his cheeks get hot. "No," he denied.
"Alright, so I may have leafed through one or two of them," Draco admitted. "The point is, we can't decorate the nursery with things we like; we need to decorate it with things the babies will enjoy."
Harry glanced at the wall, where he'd hung a broom and some Quidditch posters. "Who says our children won't enjoy Quidditch?"
Draco was getting exasperated. "They may very well grow to love it," he said, "but not when they're babies."
Harry opened his mouth, no doubt to continue arguing, but Draco wasn't having it. He held up the large, floppy teddy bear that Molly Weasley had given them. "Are you going to tell Mrs Weasley that you want to decorate the nursery in a Quidditch theme?"
Harry winced. "No," he mumbled, scuffing a toe on the carpet.
Draco took pity on him. "Let's decorate the nursery in the traditional way," he said. "We'll go with the pastel colors, teddy bears, magical mobiles, and cutesy murals. Once it's time to decorate the kids' rooms when they're older, then maybe one or both of them will want a Quidditch theme, and you can have at it, okay?"
"Yeah, okay," Harry conceded with a heavy sigh. "I reckon it will make all the mums happy."
"Best of all," said Draco, "happy mums are more likely to babysit."
Blank Space 43