Title: Blank Space 21
enchanted_jaeCharacters: Draco/Harry, Narcissa, Weasleys
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Mpreg
Word count: 365
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for:
hogwarts365 Prompt No. 256 - laugh
Summary: Draco is dragged to his doom.
"Dinner at the Weasleys'?!" Draco gasped. "But, that's preposterous!"
"We're going to be married soon, Malfoy," said Potter. "They're my family, and you're going to have to learn to interact with them sooner or later. Best to start now."
"Harry's right, dear," his mother opined. "The Weasleys may be more gregarious than you're used to, but they are Harry's family."
Betrayed, Draco deflated into a full-blown sulk.
Draco dug in his heels as Potter tried to drag him into the Floo. "I can't go to the Weasley abode," he protested. "They all hate me. They'll kill me!"
"They don't hate you, and no one is going to kill you," Potter said, giving a good tug that caused Draco to stumble into the enlarged fireplace after him.
"Avenge my death, Mum!" Draco cried.
"Do stop being so dramatic, Draco," she scolded. "Enjoy your dinner, and please give my regards to Molly and Arthur."
There was a flash of green, followed by a cacophony of noise. Potter stepped out of the Floo, reached back to grab Draco's hand, then hauled him out as well.
"Harry!" came a general greeting from a veritable sea of gingers.
Draco balked again, but Potter drew him forward. The din died to a hush, and Draco would have bolted for the Floo again if he could.
"Hello, everyone, you remember Draco, yeah?" Potter chirped. "Draco, this is everyone. What's for dinner, Molly?"
"I don't know about the rest of us, mate, but Ron is going to eat crow," Weasley, George said with a laugh.
"Piss off," grumbled Weasley, Ronald.
"Ron, language!" chided Weasley, Matron. She bustled forward. "Draco, welcome to our home."
"Th-thank you, Mrs Weasley," Draco stammered. "Er, mum, my mother sends her regards."
"How lovely!" gushed Mrs Weasley. "Do come in and sit down. Percy! Get out of that gravy!"
Draco allowed himself to be led into the fray. Potter dropped onto a dodgy sofa and yanked Draco down with him.
"Why're you eating crow, Ron?" he asked his friend.
Granger giggled. "Ron said there was no way you were getting serious about Malfoy."
"It's about as serious as it can get," said Potter. "Draco and I are getting married."
Blank Space 22