HDFamilyFest fic: Treacle and Truffle

Nov 11, 2017 13:32

Title: Treacle and Truffle
Author: enchanted_jae
Prompt Number: 65
Pairing(s): Harry/Draco
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: All Harry Potter characters herein are the property of J.K. Rowling and Bloomsbury/Scholastic. No copyright infringement is intended.
Warning(s): No
Epilogue compliant? No
Word Count: 4,945
Author's Notes: I took liberties with your prompt, fantasyfiend09, but I hope you will like the results. Thank you to my beta, adafrog.
Summary: When Harry's painfully shy dog, Treacle, meets Draco's dog, Truffle, it's a friendship made in doggy heaven.

"I don't want a pet, Pansy."

"Tough trolls, Draco. You need to focus on something other than yourself. You're moping, darling."

"I am not moping, I am...what is this?"

"This is your new dog," said Pansy, thrusting the squirming bundle into Draco's arms.

Draco accepted the pup automatically, then scowled at it where it was nestled trustingly in his arms. The puppy lunged forward and licked his chin. Draco reacted with a surprised giggle.

"She's a chocolate lab, and she has papers, so you may rest assured she's not a cur," Pansy told him.

"A chocolate lab, you say?" Draco mused. He stroked the pup's head and fondled her silky ears. "I think I'll name her Truffle."


Harry was surrounded, and he couldn't make up his mind.

"How about this one, mate?" Ron was holding up a reddish-colored pup that looked like an Irish setter.

"This one is adorable, Harry," cooed Hermione, cuddling a black and white ball of fluff in her arms.

However, Harry's eyes strayed again to the shy, blond pup that had been edging cautiously toward him ever since he sat on the floor of the shelter's visitor room.

"What about that one?" asked Harry, pointing the puppy out to a hovering volunteer.

The woman looked over and smiled. "She's a shy one, but a real dear," she replied. "Can't be sure of her parentage, but mostly yellow lab, from the looks of her."

Harry waggled his fingers, and the pup belly-crawled to him and flopped over, presenting her stomach. Harry chuckled and rubbed her soft tummy. "I'll take her," he said.

"You've always had a thing for blonds," Hermione observed wryly.

Harry didn't refute it, but he did change the subject. "I've always had a thing for treacle tart, too," he said. "I'm going to call her Treacle."


Truffle was a quick study when it came to house-training and leash-training. Draco was soon taking her on ever longer walks around the estate where he lived, and he'd even taken her to a few local parks. She interacted well with most other dogs and people. One of his neighbors suggested that Draco take Truffle to a nearby dog park, where dogs were allowed to run off-leash. There, Truffle would be able to romp and play with other dogs.

Draco and Truffle began visiting Bark Park, as it was called, at least once a week. Truffle loved it, and Draco enjoyed seeing her playing so enthusiastically. He was also forced to admit that Pansy had been right. Having a dog to care for had raised Draco out of his doldrums. Truffle was like a breath of fresh air, breathing new life into Draco's humdrum existence. He couldn't imagine a life without her now.

On a crisp, Autumn afternoon, Draco looked out the window at the sunshine and seasonal colors. He turned to regard Truffle, who was lying on the floor beside Draco's favorite chair. Her tail thumped twice.

"Shall we go to Bark Park, Truffle?"

Truffle sat up and woofed her agreement.

Draco laughed and Summoned her lead. "Let's go, girl!"


"What did the dog whisperer say?"

"He's not a dog whisperer, Ron," Harry said, frowning at his friend. "The bloke is a licensed pet therapist. He says that Treacle is depressed and withdrawn, and she needs to get out more to socialize with other dogs."

"I could have told you that, mate, and I wouldn't have charged you as much."

"I wish we had a dog," said Hermione. "You'd be welcome to bring Treacle over for a play date. The kids just terrify her."

"I'm going to take her to a dog park that the therapist recommended," Harry said. "I can take her leash off and let her venture out to meet other dogs."

"Maybe she'll find a playmate or two," ventured Hermione.

Harry sighed and looked at his dog. "I hope so."


Truffle strained at her lead as Draco walked her to the gate at Bark Park. He led Truffle into the small, fenced-in enclosure, locked the gate securely behind them, then opened the second gate, which led into the park proper. The two-gate system ensured that no dog was able to dart out of the park while other dogs and owners were coming and going.

Draco walked with Truffle to his favorite reading bench under an ancient oak tree. There, he unsnapped her lead and laughed as she scampered off to play. Draco sat down and opened his book. He glanced up frequently, keeping an eye on Truffle as she romped and played with some of the other dogs. Many of the other dog parents waved, and Draco waved back before returning his attention to his book.


Harry thanked the young woman who helped him navigate the gates getting into the dog park. Treacle was pressed against his leg, head low and tail tucked between her legs.

"Is this your baby's first time here?" asked the woman.

"Yeah," Harry replied. "She's shy and a little nervous."

"Don't worry; she'll have fun!"

Harry gave the woman a smile and coaxed Treacle into the park. He led her to an unoccupied bench by some flowering bushes. Harry sat down and unclipped Treacle's leash. She sat at his feet and refused to budge.

"Go on and play," Harry urged, but Treacle gave no indication she wanted to leave his side. Resolved not to push her, Harry simply opened a word search puzzle and began to work on it. Moments later, excited barking drew Harry's attention. He glanced up to see a group of four dogs bounding towards them, with a chocolate lab in the lead.

As the small pack of dogs raced by, Treacle's ears perked up.

"Go on and join them," said Harry. Treacle, however, stayed put.

The other dogs made a lap and came dashing back in their direction. Treacle whined, and the dog in the lead halted a short distance away. She cocked her head at Treacle and wagged her tail.

Harry held his breath.

As the other dogs ran out of sight, the chocolate lab continued to stand and stare at Treacle. She dropped onto her forelegs, arse in the air, tail waving like mad, and tongue lolling from her mouth. It was a classic 'come play with me' pose.

Treacle responded with a half-hearted tail swish and another whine. She turned to look at Harry.

"Go ahead and play," he coaxed, giving her a gentle nudge in the other dog's direction.

The chocolate lab yipped, and Treacle inched forward cautiously. Her tail remained low, but the tip of it waved slowly back and forth. The brown dog darted forward and shouldered Treacle before racing in circles around her. Treacle's ears pricked forward, and her mouth dropped in a doggy smile. The chocolate lab raced away, and Treacle gave chase.

Harry watched in amazed delight as his painfully shy dog played with the other lab. Bringing Treacle to Bark Park had really paid off. Harry was happy and relieved. He would do anything for his dog. Treacle wasn't just a pet; she was family.


Draco glanced up from his reading to see Truffle in a merry chase with a yellow lab. Except for their different coloring, the two dogs looked like sisters. They appeared to be the same age, and their body types were similar. Each dog was lean and quick, with paws that seemed just a bit too large for their still-growing bodies. Draco wondered if the other lab's tail was as much of a weapon as Truffle's tail was. If so, he felt for the dog's owner.

Draco looked around, but from his sheltered position, he couldn't see anyone who appeared to be the yellow lab's owner. He shrugged and resumed reading. Once he'd finished the current chapter, Draco stood up and stretched.

"Truffle!" he called.

Truffle, who was wrestling on the ground with her new friend, looked up at Draco's voice. She cocked her head to the side and watched him.

Draco whistled for his dog, and Truffle came bounding over to him. She was followed by the yellow lab.

"Hello, there," Draco greeted the other dog, as he clipped Truffle's leash to her collar.

The yellow lab tucked her tail and ducked her head. She whined when Draco began to lead Truffle away. Clearly, she liked Truffle, but she was afraid to approach a strange person. Draco assessed her with sharp eyes, but he didn't spot any signs of abuse. Most likely, the dog was simply shy.

Truffle turned to look back at her friend, and she whined, too.

"Come along," Draco chastised. "You can play with your friend some other day."


Harry was disheartened when Treacle came slinking back to him and pressed up against his legs once more. The chocolate lab was nowhere in sight. Her owner must have left. Harry sighed and scratched Treacle's ears.

"It's okay, girl," he said. "We'll come back again soon, and you can make more new friends."

Treacle gave him a look that indicated she wasn't so sure about that.


"She looks more depressed than ever, Harry."

Harry looked from Hermione to Treacle. "I know," he said. "I don't understand it. She seemed to be having fun at the dog park. She even made a new friend. But, she's been in a funk ever since."

"Maybe she misses the other dog," said Hermione.

"That's absurd."

"Why is it absurd?" Hermione asked. "You said she seemed happy at the park when she made a friend, and she's been in the doldrums since then."

"Are you saying I should get another dog?"

"No, Harry. I'm saying you should take Treacle back to the park. With luck, that other dog will be there again. Maybe you can meet its owner and arrange for your dogs to have some play time together."

"That's bizarre," Harry stated.

"But, you'll do it?"

"Of course, I'll do it," Harry replied. "I'd do anything for Treacle."


Early the next morning, Harry walked Treacle through the safety gates in the dog park. He kept her on leash as they explored the park. Unfortunately, Harry did not see the chocolate lab again. Several other dogs bounded up to Treacle, but she stayed tight to Harry's legs, obviously intimidated. Even smaller dogs seemed to scare her.

Disappointed, Harry eventually settled down on the same bench he'd occupied the first time he'd brought Treacle to the Bark Park. He unclipped her lead, but Treacle just dropped down at his feet, chin on her paws as her sad, anxious eyes took in her surroundings.

Harry's shoulders slumped, but he refused to give up. Maybe the chocolate lab's owner would show up later. He took out his puzzle book and began to do a word search.


Draco laughed as Truffle strained at her leash. He locked the second gate behind them and chivvied Truffle over to his favorite bench under the oak tree. Draco removed Truffle's leash and laughed again as she dashed away, eager to stretch her legs.

As per usual, Truffle was soon at the head of a pack of dogs, all scampering joyfully around the park. Draco was glad his dog was so gregarious. He often thought she was the opposite of himself. In retrospect, having Pansy foist a puppy off on him had been one of the best things to happen to him. He wondered if Truffle would find her shy, yellow lab friend again.


Harry closed his book and was about to stand when he saw Treacle sit up. Her ears swiveled forward, and her tail swept back and forth across the grass. The chocolate lab zoomed around a small copse of bushes, trailed by a few other dogs.

Treacle yipped, startling Harry. His dog very seldom ever made a sound, except to whine when she needed to go outside. The chocolate lab turned on a knut, rushing up to Treacle with a happy bark. She thumped her front paws on the ground and wagged her tail. Treacle sidled up to her, tail down but still wagging. The other dog bumped Treacle's shoulder with her nose, then turned to race away. Treacle bounded after her, and Harry laughed to see his dog having fun.

Seeing Treacle in such high spirits firmed Harry's resolve. He had to find out who owned the chocolate lab. Hermione had suggested doggy play dates, and Harry wasn't above resorting to something so silly if it made Treacle happy.

Harry began by approaching other dog parents in the park to ask about the chocolate lab. Finally, one woman told him that the lab's owner typically sat beneath a large oak tree on the other side of the park, where he read while his dog played. Harry thanked her and headed in that direction. He hoped it was a nice, older man who would be agreeable to arranging for their dogs to play together one-on-one.

As Harry approached a large old oak, he could see a man seated beneath it, his blond head bent over a book. Harry fancied blond blokes, but he resolved not to be too forward. The man was likely straight and married, and even if he wasn't, Treacle's needs came first. Harry jammed his hands into the pockets of his jacket and approached.

"Pardon me," he began, "but I was wondering if...Malfoy?!"


Draco heard someone addressing him, and he raised his head to meet the last person he'd expected to see at Bark Park.

"Potter?! What brings you here?"

"I could ask you the same...no, wait, I know why you're here," said Potter. He sounded almost nervous. "You own that chocolate lab, yeah?"

Draco's shoulders stiffened. "Yes, has she done something wrong?"

"What? No! She's a lovely dog," said Potter. "I ask, because she seems to have befriended my dog, Treacle."

"You named your dog Treacle?" asked Draco, quirking his brows. "Is she the yellow lab that Truffle has been playing with?"

"You named your dog Truffle?"

"I happen to like truffles."

"Well, I happen to like treacle tart."

This had to be the most absurd conversation Draco had ever been party to. He started to laugh, and Potter joined in.

Potter sat on the other end of the bench. "I'm sorry, Malfoy," he said, sounding truly contrite. "Let me start over. Treacle has been painfully shy her entire life, and her therapist--"

"You hired a dog therapist?!"

"...suggested taking her to a dog park to socialize," Potter continued. "The problem is, Treacle is intimidated by other dogs. At least, she was until she met Truffle. They seem to have hit it off rather quickly."

Draco's heart clenched in sympathy. He'd do anything for Truffle, even hire a dog therapist. However, he didn't like where this conversation was going. "Truffle isn't for sale, Potter."

"I don't want to buy her," said Potter. "I wanted to ask if we can arrange doggy play dates."

"Doggy what now?"

"Doggy. Play. Dates," Potter repeated, slowly and firmly. A dull flush spread over his face, indicating how embarrassed he was to broach the subject. It was really rather cute.

Draco, however, was still baffled. "I don't understand what a doggy play date is."

Potter ducked his head and rubbed the back of his neck. "We, um, we would arrange for our dogs to spend some play time together, just the two of them. Ideally at either your house or mine."

Play dates at Potter's? Interesting.


The longer it took Malfoy to answer, the more nervous Harry got. He reckoned not having his request denied immediately was a good thing, however.

"You would like me to bring Truffle to your home to play with your dog?"

"Yes," Harry replied. "Especially at first. She's shy, and I'd rather not subject her to a strange environment until she's more comfortable around Truffle."

"What's in it for me?"

Harry was shocked at Malfoy's mercenary attitude, until he saw him grinning. "I'll buy you a box of truffles, you tosser," Harry said.

Malfoy had the cheek to laugh at him. "I was only winding you up, Potter," he said. "But, I wouldn't turn down an offer of truffles. It's no bother to bring Truffle over to play with Treacle. Give me your address, and I'll owl you with some dates and times that will work."


Two days later, Draco tightened his hold on Truffle's leash and stepped into his Floo with her. She'd traveled this way before and was used to it by now. Draco took a pinch of powder and tossed it down, calling out Potter's address. They arrived in a flash of green.

Truffle, ever the adventurer, stepped out of Potter's Floo, tugging Draco in her wake. Her ears were up, and her tail was wagging. Truffle's nose was working overtime as she sniffed the air. Treacle dashed around the corner, only to skid to a halt when she saw Draco.

Draco took pity on her, dropping to a crouch so as not to be intimidating. "It's okay, Treacle," he said in a soft, soothing voice.

Potter bustled into the room, wiping his hands on a tea towel. "Sorry, Malfoy," he said. "I lost track of the time. Let's take the dogs out back. My garden is fenced in, and they can play there."

Draco stood up and followed in Potter's wake. "Do I smell chocolate?" he asked.

Potter turned to smile at him. "I'm making truffles."

"Making truffles?!"

Truffle woofed, and Potter laughed. "Yes, Malfoy. I can bake, you know."

Potter continued through the house, barely giving Draco a chance to look around. He liked what he saw, though. Potter's home was bright and airy and clean. It reminded Draco of his own house. Potter led the way through French doors and to the garden beyond. Treacle trotted out, and Draco removed Truffle's leash so she could join her friend.

They stood and watched the dogs romp and play for a few moments, then Potter invited Draco back inside. "You can taste-test the truffles for me," he said. "I've never made this type before."


Nearly three hours later, Harry waved goodbye to Malfoy and Truffle as the stepped into the Floo and vanished in a flash of green fire. Treacle loosed a doggy sigh, and her ears and tail drooped.

"Don't worry, girl," said Harry, reaching down to rub her ears. "We'll be going to Truffle's house in a few days, so you can see her again. Come on, let's go have a treat."

Treacle's ears and tail came up, and she eagerly trotted ahead of Harry to the kitchen. Harry got a dog biscuit from a tin for Treacle. As she crunched her treat, he reflected on Malfoy's visit with Truffle. Harry had known ahead of time that the dogs would enjoy it, but he was surprised by how much he'd enjoyed Malfoy's company. They'd started out sharing anecdotes about their canine companions, but the conversation had veered in other, interesting directions.

Harry found himself looking forward to visiting Malfoy later that week.


Draco welcomed Potter and Treacle into his home. The yellow lab was pressed nervously against Potter's legs, but as soon as Truffle charged into the foyer, Treacle's entire demeanor changed. Her head and ears came up, her tail began wagging, and her tongue lolled out in a dog's version of a smile. Draco couldn't help but grin. No wonder Potter had been persistent in setting up play dates between their dogs. It was obvious that Truffle drew Treacle out of her shell.

"This way, Potter," said Draco. "I've a large, fenced-in yard where the girls can play." He led the way through the house, wondering what Potter thought of it. This was no mansion, unlike the Manor he'd been raised in. The color scheme was warm and inviting, and Draco's house-elf had polished everything to a shine when Draco announced that Harry Potter would be visiting.

Draco stepped outside and held the door. Truffle dashed ahead, already barking like mad. Draco looked back to see Treacle straining at her leash. Once Potter released her, she was off like a shot, engaged in a game of tag with Truffle.

As before, Draco and Potter stood and watched the dogs for a few moments, laughing at their antics, before Draco invited Potter inside. "I've treacle tart for tea," he said.

"You made treacle tart?" Potter asked.

"My house-elf, Willa, made it," Draco replied. "It's a specialty of hers, and she was thrilled to make it for you." He led the way into a small, cozy parlor, where the tea service was set.

Willa stood next to the cart, and she bobbed a quick curtsy before using the hem of her apron to take hold of the hot tea kettle.

Potter tried a bite of the treacle tart, and his lashes fluttered as he moaned in pleasure.

Draco got some very naughty, inappropriate ideas, and he cleared his throat and shifted on his chair.

"This is wonderful, Willa," Potter enthused. "Thank you for making it for me."

Draco had never seen a house-elf blush before. Until now. Willa's homely face flushed, and she curtsied again before disappearing with a faint pop.

As before, Draco and Potter chatted amicably for a few hours while the dogs played outdoors. Draco was surprised to realize how late it was when Potter announced it was time for him to take Treacle home. After Draco saw them off, Truffle looked up at him and whined.

"It seems so quiet now, doesn't it, girl?" he asked.

Truffle responded with a thump of her tail.


After two more play dates the following week, Harry was perplexed. Instead of elevating Treacle's spirits, the visits with Truffle seemed to leave her feeling more despondent. While Treacle was animated and excited when she was with Truffle, it seemed to only make her more withdrawn when the dogs were inevitably separated again.

Harry was at his wit's end. Having no other recourse, he turned to Malfoy for help.


"That's distressing," Draco said in response to Potter's lament. He'd been surprised when Potter asked to see him without bringing Treacle.

"I don't know what to do," said Potter. "Treacle loves seeing Truffle, but when you leave our house, or we return home, she falls into an even worse funk. It's as if she can't bear being separated from Truffle."

Draco drummed his fingers on the table. "Should we arrange for the dogs to see one another more often?"

"I don't think that will help," Potter replied. "If it weren't for the fact that I'd miss her terribly, I'd be tempted to let Treacle come live with you."

Draco sat up straight. "I have an idea," he said. "Why don't you send Treacle here for a day or two, and when you come to retrieve her, you can take Truffle back to yours for the same length of time. That way, neither of us would be without our dog for more than a couple days at a time."

Potter's expression brightened for a moment, then became concerned again. "Do you think that will work?"

"If Treacle gets depressed when she's apart from Truffle, it may be the only thing that will work," Draco answered. "Of course, you'd be free to come visit her as often as you like while she's here, and I would expect the same courtesy from you when you have custody of the girls."

Potter laughed. "It's a deal."


"So, let me get this straight," said Ron. "You and Malfoy are sharing custody of your dogs."

Harry nodded. "You wouldn't believe the change in Treacle," he said. "She's like a different dog."

Ron held up a hand. "Besides sharing custody of the dogs, you and old ferret face have been spending most of your free time at each other's, yeah?"

"Well, yeah," Harry replied. "I miss Treacle when she's not home with me, and he misses Truffle when I have the dogs."

Ron threw both hands into the air. "Why don't the two of you just move in together?!"


"That's absurd, darling," Pansy remarked. "I can't believe you agreed to such an arrangement."

"The arrangement was my idea," Draco retorted. "So far, it's working out brilliantly. Potter's dog is much happier, as is Truffle, and we leave our Floos open so we can visit whenever we want."

Pansy tucked a strand of dark hair behind her ear. "Why don't you and Potter just move in together?"


Harry laughed at something Malfoy had said. They were seated in Harry's garden, sipping tea and watching as the dogs chased one another along the paths. The more time he spent in Malfoy's company, the more Harry feared he was falling for the git. He wondered what Malfoy would say, if Harry were to claim he grew morose when not in his company.

Ron's words continued to echo in Harry's head. He assumed his friend had meant he and Malfoy should take up as roommates, but Harry was beginning to suspect that would never be enough. Even now, watching Malfoy's lips shape words as he spoke, Harry was tempted to kiss him.

Not once in their many conversations had Malfoy mentioned a romantic partner. Harry couldn't imagine that Malfoy would be spending as much time in his company if he were seeing someone else.

Malfoy turned to watch Treacle and Truffle, chuckling as he did so. A breeze stirred his hair, and Harry's loins stirred in response. How had he gotten himself into this mess? More importantly, how did he get himself out of it?


Potter had a nice laugh. Draco had never heard him laugh much at Hogwarts, and he was surprised by how much he enjoyed the sound of Potter's enjoyment. He couldn't get Pansy's snide comment about moving in together out of his head. He wondered if Potter was seeing anyone. Surely, the Daily Prophet would have been flooded with the news, were it so.

The more time Draco spent with Potter, the less he wanted to leave him. He was becoming as bad as Treacle. How had he gotten himself into such a predicament? And, was there any way out?


It was the not-knowing that was driving Harry mad. He turned to Malfoy and blurted it out.

"Ron says you and I should just move in together."

Malfoy's eyes widened in astonishment, and then he laughed again. "Pansy said the same thing," he admitted. "They're either matchmaking, or they're tired of hearing us natter on about our dogs."

Harry hoped his own shock didn't register on his face. "We'd match up well," he said, trying to sound casual. "We both love dogs and Quidditch."

"Not to mention truffles and treacle tart."

Malfoy's quip was meant to be funny, but it only whetted Harry's appetite for something sweet. Impulsively, he leaned over, cupped the back of Malfoy's head, and drew him into a slow, searching kiss.


Draco was caught flat-footed, but while his mind was reeling his lips were clinging to Potter's, fully engaged in the pleasant pastime of kissing. Lack of oxygen and a redirected blood flow soon had Draco's head spinning. Reluctantly, he broke free of the kiss and gasped for breath.

Potter sat back, cheeks flushed and lips slightly swollen from kissing. "I'd offer an apology, but I'm not sorry I kissed you," he murmured.

"Shall I apologize for being so irresistible?" Draco teased, trying to ease the sudden tension between them.

Potter smiled. "Do you reckon Ron and Parkinson are onto something?"

"Are you suggesting we move in together?"

"It might not be a bad idea."

Draco took the time to think it over. The prospect was terrifying and exhilarating all at once. Draco looked back at Potter. He seemed nervous, yet composed, as if by broaching the subject, he could accept Draco's answer either way.

Draco drew in a fortifying breath and let it out. "I'm not ready to fall into bed with you," he said.

"Eventually, though?"

Draco couldn't help but grin at Potter's persistence. "Perhaps," he conceded.

Potter didn't push the issue. "This will make the girls happy," he said, indicating Truffle and Treacle with a wave of his hand.

"Yeah," said Draco. "We'll be one big, happy family."


One year later:

Harry awoke to the sensation of a warm hand sliding up his thigh. He smiled and squirmed closer to Draco. "Mm," he hummed. "Feels good....aack!"

Harry yanked the blankets higher to escape the cold dog nose that was prodding his shoulder.

Draco propped himself up on an elbow and glared at the offending canine. "It's your turn to let the dogs out," he announced, before yawning and snuggling deeper under the covers.

"No, it isn't," Harry argued.

"It is if you want sex when you come back to bed."

"Alright, I'll go let the dogs out."

Harry clambered out of bed. "Treacle, Truffle, come on," he called. He was nearly trampled by the now fully-grown dogs as they dashed past him and down the stairs. Harry let them out in the garden, then raced back to the bedroom. He dove under the covers once more and pressed his chilled body against Draco's warm one.

Draco yelped and flailed and cursed a blue streak.

"It's time for sex!" cried Harry. "You promised!"

"That was before you froze my libido, you prat!"

Harry snickered. "I'll warm you up again," he said.

Draco stopped squirming and suffered Harry's chilly embrace. "Harry, I've been thinking," he began.

"This sounds serious."

Draco frowned at him. "It is serious," he said. "I think it's time we expanded our family."

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" asked Harry, eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Yes," Draco replied. "Let's get another puppy."

Cross-posted to hd_familyfest

Jet and Jinx

content: romance, fest: hd_familyfest, rating: pg13, content: flirting, content: pet(s), content: fluff, content: humor, content: fest fic, content: pet(s) from shelter

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