To Lure a Ferret

Jul 09, 2016 17:54

Banner by capitu, gif originally posted by truerazor

Title: To Lure a Ferret
Author: enchanted_jae
Characters: Harry/Draco
Rating: PG
Warning(s): Naughty ferret
Word count: 325
Disclaimer: Characters are the property of JK Rowling, et al. This fic/drabble was written for fun, not for profit.
Written for: Prompt Drabble #19 - fuzzy for entropy12. Part of my Scrub verse
Summary: You catch more ferrets with honey than vinegar.

Harry opened the oven and withdrew a pan of chocolate biscuits. He set them out to cool, then waited to fend Draco off until the biscuits were safe to bite into. When Draco failed to launch an immediate Biscuit Attack, Harry grew suspicious.


There was no answer.

Harry sighed and muttered a curse. He exited the house and went into the garden. Harry didn't pause; he continued straight to the neighbor's house. Mrs Reed was on holiday, but she'd left them a key so they could take care of her cat. Harry unlocked the door and peered inside. He was just in time to see a spotted cat race through the kitchen, followed by a white ferret.

"Draco!" Harry snapped. "Get back here this instant!"

Of course, Draco did no such thing. He was having too much fun chasing after his fuzzy friend.

Harry quelled the urge to yell again. There were days when he wanted to throttle his boyfriend, and this was one of them. However, there was more than one way to lure a ferret.

"Draco, I just took the biscuits out of the oven," said Harry. "They're hot and fresh and gooey."

A small, pointed muzzle appeared around the doorway, whiskers quivering with interest.

Harry went for nonchalant. "Of course, if you're too busy playing with Tinkerbell, I can always invite Ron over. I'm sure he-"

"No!" cried Draco, in human form once again. "Don't you dare!"

"Then I suggest you return home with me."

Draco wavered, his attention going to Tinkerbell, who had forsaken him in favor of eating kibble.

Harry softened his voice and added the clincher. "Best to come eat the biscuits while they're still hot."

Draco nodded, cast a last glance at the cat, then sidled past Harry and out the door. "I'll race you!" he called, breaking into a sprint.

Harry chuckled as he locked the door behind him and sauntered back through the garden towards home. He hoped Draco saved him a biscuit or two.

Muddy Mischief

animagus: ferret, verse: scrub, content: animagus, challenge: prompt drabbles, rating: pg, content: established relationship

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